Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3539 di 5130       

Schwartz, Joseph M.
The permanence of the political - a democratic critique of the radical impulse to transcend politics / Joseph M. Schwartz
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton university, c1995
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Schwartz, Lawrence H.
Creating Faulkners reputation - the politics of modern literary criticism / Lawrence H. Schwartz
Knoxville - The university of Tennessee press, c1988
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Schwartz, Lowell H.
Political warfare against the Kremlin - US and British propaganda policy at the beginning of the Cold War / Lowell H. Schwartz
Basingstoke - Palgrave MacMillan, 2009
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Schwartz, Michael
Radical protest and social structure - the Southern Farmers alliance and cotton tenancy, 1880-1890 / Michael Schwartz
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago, 1988
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Schwartz, Michael
Raphaels art of representation - political narrative and the grounds of truth in the Stanza d'Eliodoro - Columbia University, 1994 / Michael Schwartz
Ann Arbor, Michigan - UMI, printed in 1997
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The blue guitar - political representation and Community / Nancy L. Scwartz
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Schwartz, Nancy Lou
The blue guitar - political representation and community / Nancy L. Schwartz
Chicago - University of Chicago, 1988
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Schwartz, Paul M.
Data privacy law - a study of United States data protection / Paul M. Schwartz, Joel R. Reidenberg ; with foreword by Spiros Simitis
Charlottesville - Michie, c1996
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Schwartz, Pedro
The euro as politics / Pedro Schwartz
London - Institute of Economic Affairs, 2004
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Schwartz, Pedro
The new political economy of J. S. Mill / Pedro Schwartz
London - Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1972
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Schwartz, Robert M.
Policing the poor in eighteenth-century France / by Robert M. Schwartz
Chapel Hill and London - the University of North Carolina and London, 1988
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Schwartz, Ronald David
Circle of protest - political ritual in the Tibetan uprising / Ronald D. Schwartz
London - Hurst, 1994
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Schwartz, Seth
La geografia politica dei testi rabbinici / Seth Schwartz
Incluso in > 58- Il Talmud e la letteratura rabbinica / a cura di Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert, Martin S. Jaffee ; edizione italiana a cura di Mauro Perani
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Schwartz, Seth
Josephus and Judaean politics / by Seth Schwartz
Leiden etc. - E. J. Brill, 1990
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Schwartz, Seth
Josephus and judean politics / by Seth Schwartz
Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 1990
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