Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3728 di 5130       

Sidjanski, Dusan
Dimensions europeennes de la science politique - questions methodologiques et programme de recherches / par Dusan Sidjanski
Paris - Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1963
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Sidney Woolf, Cecil N.
Bartolus of Sassoferrato - his position in the history of medieval political thought / by Cecil N. Sidney Woolf
Cambridge - University press, 1913
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Sidney, Philip
3- The defense of poesie ; Political discourses ; Correspondence ; Translation / Sir Philip Sidney
Cambridge - University Press, 1962
Incluso in > The prose works of Sir Philip Sidney / Sir Philip Sidney ; edited by Albert Feuillerat
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Sidorov, Arkadij Lavrovic
Finansovoe položenie Rossii v gody pervoj mirovoj vojny - 1914-1917 / A. L. Sidorov
Moskva - Izdatel'stvo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960
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Sidoti, Francesco
I limiti della razionalita pubblica - evoluzionisti e razionalisti nella teoria sociologica / Francesco Sidoti
Milano - Edizioni di comunita, 1983
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Sidoti, Giulia Maria
Comunicazione e potere in un'epoca di decadenza e di trasformazione - da un'analisi delle Res gestae di Ammiano Marcellino / Giulia Maria Sidoti
Roma - Aracne, 2004
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Sidoti, Laura
I partiti politici americani e le minoranze - il partito democratico e gli afroamericani (1965-1992) - tesi di laurea in Sociologia delle relazioni etniche / laureanda Laura Sidoti ; relatore Emidio Sussi, correlatore Liborio Mattina
Trieste - Universita degli Studi, 1997/98
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Sidwell, Keith
Aristophanes the democrat - the politics of satirical comedy during the Peloponnesian war / Keith Sidwell
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, (2009)
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Sidwell, Keith
Aristophanes the democrat - the politics of satirical comedy during the peloponnesian war / Keith Sidwell
New York - Cambridge University Press, 2009
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Siebers, Tobin
Cold war criticism and the politics of skepticism / Tobin Siebers
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1993
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Siebers, Tobin
The subject and other subjects - on ethical, aesthetic, and political identity / Tobin Siebers
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan Press, c1998
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Siebert, Horst (1938-2009)
The political economy of environmental protection / by Horst Siebert, Ariane Berthoin Antal
Greenwich (Conn.) - Jai press inc., ©1979
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Siebert, Renate
Frantz Fanon- Colonialism and Alienation - Concerning Frantz Fanon's Political Theory / Renate Zahar ; translated by Willfried F. Feuser
New York and London - Monthly Review Press, c1974
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Siebert, Rudolf J.
The critical theory of religion - the Frankfurt school - from universal pragmatic to political theology / Rudolf J. Siebet
Berlin (etc.) - Mouton, c1985
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Siebert, Rudolf J.
From critical theory to communicative political theology - universal solidarity / Rudolf J. Siebert
Bern etc. - Lang, c1989
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