(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z) |
Pagina nr. 4257 di 5130 |
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Q.D.B.V. Legatus inviolabilis, inclutę facultatis philosophicę in alma lipsiensi consensu atque autoritate sub disputationem politicam vocatus, quam praeside ... dn. m. Jacobo Thomasio, eloquentiae Prof. publ. ... publicae eruditorum ventilationi submittit 10. cal. novembris. a.c. 1667. Johann Adam Preunel. .. Lipsię - typis Joh. Wittigau Testo Monografico Thomasius, Jakob (1622-1684) Problema politicum de duellorum varii generis moralitate, quod consensu amplissimę philosophorum facultatis in Academia Lipsiensi sub pręsidio viri ... dn. m. Jacobi Thomasii, ... publicę eruditorum disquisitioni exhibet ad d. 9. Septembr. a.o.r. 1671. Enochus Henland, Lips. .. Lipsię - literis Christian Michaelis Testo Monografico Thomaz, Luis Filipe F. Reis De Ceuta a Timor / Luis Filipe F. R. Thomaz Linda a Velha - Difel, c1994 Testo Monografico Thomis, Malcolm I. Politics and society in Nottingham - 1785-1835 / Malcolm I. Thomis New York - A. M. Kelley, 1969 Testo Monografico Thomis, Malcolm I. Politics and society in Nottingham - 1785-1835 / Malcolm I. Thomis Oxford - Basil Blackwell, c1969 Testo Monografico Thomov, A. Le mouvement rčvolutionnaire en Macčdonie / par A. Thomoff et G. Bajdaroff Sofia - Al. Pascalew, 1918 Incluso in > La question macedonienne Testo Monografico Thompson, Alastair P. Left Liberals, the state, and popular politics in Wilhelmine Germany / Alastair P. Thompson Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2000 Testo Monografico Thompson, Alex A glossary of U.S. politics and government / Alex Thomson Edinburgh - Edinburgh university press, 2007 Testo Monografico Thompson, Alexander P. Thwarting the enemies of God- contrasting the death of Herod and the resurrection of Jesus in Luke-Acts / Alexander P. Thompson Incluso in > Reactions to Empire - Sacred Texts in their Socio-Political Contexts / edited by John Anthony Dunne and Dan Batovici Testo a stampa Thompson, Alvin O. The haunting past - politics, economics and race in Caribbean life / Alvin O. Thompson Armonk (N.Y.) ; London - Sharpe, 1997 Testo Monografico Thompson, Andrew George Eliot and Italy - literary, cultural and political influences from Dante to the Risorgimento / Andrew Thompson London - MacMillan, 1998 Testo Monografico Thompson, Andrew George Eliot and Italy - literary, cultural and political influences from Dante to the Risorgimento / Andrew Thompson New York - St.Martin's Press, 1998 Testo Monografico Thompson, Andrew S. Imperial Britain - the Empire in British politics, c. 1880-1932 / Andrew S. Thompson Harlow (etc. - Longman, 2000 Testo Monografico Thompson, Anne M. Institutional changes in agricultural product and input markets and their impact on agricultural performance / by A.M. Thompson Rome - FAO, 1991 Testo Monografico Thompson, Augustine Predicatori e politica nell'Italia del 13. secolo - la grande devozione del 1233 / Augustine Thompson Milano - Biblioteca francescana, 1996 Testo Monografico |