Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 4260 di 5130       

Thompson, Janna
Justice and world order - a philosophical inquiry / Janna Thompson
London ; New York - Routledge, 1992
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Thompson, John B.
Political scandal - power and visibility in the media age / John B. Thompson
Cambridge - Polity Press, 2000
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Thompson, John Lee
Politicians, the press, and propaganda - Lord Northcliffe and the great war, 1914-1919 /J. Lee Thompson
Kent (Ohio) - The Kent university press, c1999
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Thompson, Katrina Dyonne
Ring shout, wheel about - the racial politics of music and dance in North American slavery / Katrina Dyonne Thompson
Urbana (etc.) - University of Illinois press, c2014
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Cold war theories / Kenneth W. Thompson
Baton Rouge ; London - Louisiana state university
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Fathers of international thought - the legacy of political theory / Kenneth W. Thompson
Baton Rouge, LA ; London - Louisiana state university press, c1994
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Filosofia e politica- il doppio impegno di Hans J. Morgenthau / Kennet W. Thompson
Incluso in > Rivista di politica - RdP - (trimestrale di studi, analisi e commenti)
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Moral and political discourse - theory and practice in international relations / Kenneth W. Thompson
Lanham - University press of America, c1987
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Political realism and the crisis of world politics - an American approach to foreign policy / by Kenneth W. Thompson
Princeton, N. J. - Princeton university press
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Political realism and the crisis of world politics - an American approach to foreign policy / by Kenneth W. Thompson
New York - Wiley, 1965
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Toynbee's philosophy of world history and politics / Kenneth W. Thompson
Baton Rouge ; London - Louisiana State University Press, c1985
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Traditions and values in politics and diplomacy - theory and practice / Kenneth W. Thompson
Baton Rouge ; London - Louisiana State University, c1992
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Traditions and values in politics and diplomacy - theory and practice / Kenneth W. Thompson
Baton Rouge ; London - Louisiana State University Press, 1992
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Thompson, Kenneth W.
Winston Churchill's world view - statemanship and power / Kenneth W. Thompson
Baton Rouge °La. , London - Louisiana State University Press, 1983
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Thompson, Leonard
Il mito politico dell'apartheid / Leonard Thompson
Torino - SEI, 1989
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