(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z) |
Pagina nr. 4962 di 5130 |
L' avenir de l'Afrique / Jack Woddis ; traduit de l'anglais par Régis Bergeron Paris - Maspero, 1964 Testo Monografico Woddis, Jack New theories of revolution - a commentary on the views of Frantz Fanon, Regis Debray and Herbert Marcuse / Jack Woddis London - Lawrence and Wishart, 1972 Testo Monografico Wodie, Francis Les institutions internationales regionales en Afrique Occidentale et Centrale / Francis Wodie ; pref de P.-F. Gonidec Paris - Pichon et R. Durand-Auzias, 1970 Testo Monografico Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn Womens formal and informal traditions of biblical knowledge in Anglo-Norman England / Jecelyn Wogan-Browne. Incluso in > Saints, scholars, and politicians - gender as a tool in medieval studies - Festschrift in honour of Anneke Mulder-Bakker on the occasion of her sixty-fifth birthday / edited by Mathilde van Dijk and ... Testo a stampa Wohlforth, William Curti The elusive balance - power and perceptions during the cold war / William Curti Wohlforth Ithaca, NY ; London - Cornell university press, 1993 Testo Monografico Wohlgemuth, Heinz Die Entstehung der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands, 1914 bis 1918 - Überblick / Heinz Wohlgemuth Berlin - Dietz, 1968 Testo Monografico Wohlgemuth, Heinz Karl Liebknecht - eine Biographie / Heinz Wohlgemuth Berlin - Dietz, 1975 Testo Monografico Wojnar, Kirk Dal sottosviluppo alla differenziazione- tre nazioni a confronto - tesi di laurea in teoria e politica dello sviluppo economico / laureando- Kirk Wojnar ; relatore- Gabriele Pastrello Trieste - Universita degli studi, 1993-1994 Testo Monografico Wokler, Robert Rousseau on society, politics and language - an historical interpretation of his early writings / Robert Wokler New York ; London - Garland, 1987 Testo Monografico Wokler, Robert Rousseau on society, politics, music and language - an historical interpretation of his early writings / Robert Wokler New York ; London - Garland, 1987 Testo Monografico Wolbrecht, Christina The politics of womens rights - parties, positions, and change / Christina Wolbrecht Princeton - Princeton university press, c2000 Testo Monografico Wolchik, Sharon L. Czechoslovakia in transition - politics, economics and society / Sharon L. Wolchik London ; New York - Pinter, 1991 Testo Monografico Wolczuk, Kataryna The moulding of Ukraine - the constitutional politics of state formation / by Kataryna Wolczuk Budapest - Central European University press, 2001 Testo Monografico Woldenberg, Christian (1621-1674) Micarum juris manipuli tres, quorum primus continet proverbia, secundus metaphoras juris, tertius sententias sacras, ethicas, politicas, oeconomicas, ut & versus in glossis utriusque juris occurrentes; quibus accesserunt chronologia brevis, L. 2. D.d.O.J. lucem afferens, ut & leges difficiliores, & candidatoriæ Digestorum & codicis, ut & sedes difficilium juris materiarum ... opera & studio Christiani Woldenbergii, .. RostochI - typis Johannis Kilii, Acad. typogr., 1665 Testo Monografico Wolf, Aaron T. Hydropolitics along the Jordan River - scarce water and its impact on the Arab-Israeli conflict / Aaron T. Wolf Tokyo (etc.) - United Nations University Press, c1995 Testo Monografico |