Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Psicologia (keyword)

Pagina nr. 340
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1900-2000-2103


The psychology of control and aging / edited by Margret M. Baltes, Paul B. Baltes
Hillsdale - L. Erlbaum associates, 1986
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Psychology of dreaming / edited by Marino Bosinelli e Piercarla Cicogna
Bologna - CLUEB, 1984
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The Psychology of Egon Brunswik / edited by Kenneth R. Hammond
New York etc. - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, copyr. 1966
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The psychology of gender / Alice H. Eagly, Anne E. Beall, Robert J. Sternberg
New York ; London - The Guilford press, c2004
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The Psychology of Gender / edited by Carol Nagy Jacklin
Aldershot etc. - Elgar
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The psychology of health - an introduction / Edited by Marian Pitts and Keith Phillips
London ; New York - Routledge, 1991
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The psychology of human eating disorders - preclinical and clinical perspectives / edited by Linda H. Schneider, Steven J. Cooper, and Katherine A. Halmi
New York, NY - New York Academy of Sciences, 1989
Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences
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The psychology of individual differences / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske
London °etc. - Sage, 2004
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The psychology of knowing / edited by Joseph R. Royce and William W. Rozeboom
New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, ©1972
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The psychology of learning and motivation - advances in research and theory / edited by Kenneth W. Spence and Janet Taylor Spence
New York etc. - Academic press, 1967. -
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The Psychology of Memory / edited by Peter E. Morris and Martin A. Conway
Eldershot - Elgar
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The psychology of mens clothing / ?edited by ADM Admarketing ; translated from the Italian by Rodney Stringer?
Novara - InCoGritti, ?1971??
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The Psychology of music / edited by Diana Deutsch
New York - Academic Press, 1982
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The psychology of prejudice - the Ontario Symposium, volume 7 / edited by Mark P. Zanna ; James M. Olson Zanna
Hillsdale etc. - Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994
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The psychology of private events - perspectives on covert response systems / edited by Alfred Jacobs and Lewis B. Sachs
New York ; London - Academic press, 1971
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