Social interchange in infancy - affect, cognition and communication / edited by Edward Z. Tronick
Baltimore - University Park press, 1989
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Social intervention - a behavioral science approach / edited and with introductions by Harvey A. Hornstein ... ed altri
New York - Free press, c 1971
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Social psychology / Robert E. L. Faris
New York - Ronald press, c 1952
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Social psychology / Edited by Elliot Aronson and Anthony R. Pratkanis
Aldershot ; Brookfield - Edward Elgar Publishing, c1993
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Social psychology and organizational behaviour / edited by Michael Gruneberg and Toby Wall
Chichester (etc.) - J. Wiley, c1984
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Social psychology and political behavior - problems and prospects / edited by Gilbert Abcarian and John W. Soule
Columbus, Ohio - C. E. Merrill, c 1971
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Social psychology at the crossroads / edited by John H. Rohrer and Muzafer Sherif
New York - Harper & Brothers, c1951
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Social psychology at work - essays in honor of Michael Argyle / edited by Peter Collett and Adrian Furnham
London ; New York - Routledge, 1995
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The social psychology of aging / edited by Shirlynn Spacapan and Stuart Oskamp
Newbury Park - Sage, 1989
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Social psychology of health - key readings / edited by Peter Salovey, Alexander J. Rothman
New York ; Hove - Psychology press, 2003
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Social psychology of identity and the Self concept / Edited by Glynis M. Breakwell
San Diego - Academic Press, c1992
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The social psychology of knowledge / edited by Daniel Bar-Tal and Arie W. Kruglanski
Cambridge - Cambridge university, 1988
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Social relationsships and cognitive development - a Fyssen Foundation Sumposium / edited by Robert A. Hinde ... (ed altri)
Oxford - Clarendon, 1987
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Social representations / edited by Robert M. Farr and Serge Moscovici
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University press, 1984
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Social representations and the social bases of knowledge / editors Mario von Cranach, Willem Doise and Gabriel Mugny
Lewiston, N. Y. etc. - Hogrefe & Huber, c1992
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