(ordinamento per Titolo - senza autore) Argomento: Religione |
Pagina nr. 1812 di 2489 |
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Incluso in > Eranos Jahrbuch Testo a stampa Psychology and religion - selected readings / edited by L. B. Brown Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1973 Testo Monografico Vol. 2- Psychology and religion ; West and East / Translated by R. F. C. Hull , 1958 Incluso in > The collected works Testo Monografico Psychology of religion - a guide to information sources / Donald Capps (ed altri) ed Detroit - Gale, 1976 Testo Monografico The psychology of religion - an empirical approach / Bernard Spilka, Ralph W. Hood jr., Bruce Hunsberger, Richard Gorsuch New York ; London - Guilford press, c2003 Testo Monografico The psychology of religion - an empirical approach / Ralph W. Hood, Bernard Spilka, Bruce Hunsberger, Richard Gorsuch New York ; London - Guilford Press, c1996 Testo Monografico 2- Psychology, human physiology, living creatures, botany, ethics, religion, politics, rhetoric and poetics, music, miscellanea Leiden - Leiden etc. , 1993 Incluso in > Theophrastus of Eresus - sources for his life, writings, thought and influence / edited and translated by William W. Fortenbaugh ... ed altri . ; together with Andrew D. Barker ... et al. Testo Monografico 2- Psychology, human physiology, living creatures, botany, ethics, religion, politics, rhetoric and poetics, music, miscellanea / edited and traslated by William W. Fortenbaugh ... (ed altri) ; togheter with Andrew D. Barker ... (et al.) Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 1992 Incluso in > Theophrastus of Eresus - sources for his life, writings, thought and influence. Commentary / R. W. Sharples Testo Monografico 2- Psychology, human physiology, living creatures, botany, ethics, religion, politics, rhetoric and poetics, music, miscellanea / edited and traslated byWilliam W. Fortenbaugh ... (ed altri) ; togheter with Andrew D. Barker ... (etal.) Leiden etc. - E. J. Brill, 1992 Incluso in > Theophrastus of Eresus - sources for his life, writings, thought and influence / edited and translated by William W. Fortenbaugh ... ed altri . ; together with Andrew D. Barker ... et al. Testo Monografico Psychotherapie und Religion / Herausgegeben von Heinz Laubreuter Innsbruck... etc. - Tyrolia, 1998 (printed in Italy) Testo Monografico Pt. 1 / Monsignor Michele Basilio Clary Napoli - Dalla tip. Trani, 1835 Incluso in > Vol. 1-2- La filosofia cristiana della mente, e del cuore in rapporto alla religione, alla politica, ed alla morale esposta in omelie analoghe ai nostri tempi / da monsignor Michele Basilio Clary Testo Monografico Pt. 2-3- / Monsignor Michele Basilio Clery Napoli - Dalla tip. Trani, 1837 Incluso in > Vol. 1-2- La filosofia cristiana della mente, e del cuore in rapporto alla religione, alla politica, ed alla morale esposta in omelie analoghe ai nostri tempi / da monsignor Michele Basilio Clary Testo Monografico Pt.8- Bibliography and general index London ; Basingstoke - Macmillan Press, 1980 Incluso in > The golden bough - a study in magic and religion / by James George Frazer Testo Monografico Pubblica dimostrazione di religiosa esultanza del popolo di Cattolica nel giorno 13 maggio 1858 in cui monsignor Salvatore Leziroli, vescovo di Rimini poneva la prima pietra della chiesa di S. Pio 5 Rimini - tip. Albertini, 1858 Testo Monografico Pubblications of the International association for the history of religion Leiden - E. J. Brill, (1953 ) Testo Monografico |