(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Religione |
Pagina nr. 11 di 6283 |
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Mariengarten feiert sein 75. Geburtsjahr / Festschrift verfasst von Chorfrauen der Abtei Bozen - Tip. Athesia, 1958 Testo Monografico Abtei Mariengarten Mariengarten feiert sein 75. Geburtsjahr / Festschrift verfasst von Chorfrauen der Abtei Bozen - Tip. Athesia, 1958 Testo Monografico Abu 'Assaf, /Ali Der Tempel von 'Ain Dara / Ali Abu Assaf Mainz am Rhein - v. Zabern, 1990 Testo Monografico Abu Al-Fida', Isma'il ibn 'Ali (1273-1331) Ismael Abu'l-Feda, De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis, Moslemicae religionis auctoris, et imperii Saracenici fundatoris. Ex codice msto Pocockiano Bibliothecae Bodleianae textum Arabicum primus edidit, Latine vertit, praefatione, & notis illustravit Joannes Gagnier, A.M Oxoniae - e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1723 Testo Monografico Abu Izzeddin, Nejla M. The druzes - a new study of their history, faith and society / by Nejla M. Abu-Izzeddin Leiden - Brill, 1993 Testo Monografico Abu L-Maali, Muhammed Il trattato persiano - esposizione delle religioni / Abû 'L-Maâli ; nota del socio Italo Pizzi Torino - Clausen, 1903 Testo Monografico Abulafia, David Mediterranean encounters, economic, religious, political, 1100-1550 / David Abulafia Aldershot (etc.) - Ashgate, ©2000 Testo Monografico Abun-Nasr, Jamil M. Muslim communities of grace - the Sufi brotherhoods in Islamic religious life / Jamil M. Abun-Nasr London - Hurst & Company, c2007 Testo Monografico Abzug, Robert H. Cosmos crumbling - American reform and the religious imagination / Robert H. Abzug New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1994 Testo Monografico Abu Ma šar Ga far ben Mu?ammad ben ?Umar al-Bal?i 1- The Arabic original - Abu Ma šar- The ?book of religions and dynasties / Arabic text edited by K. Yamamoto with an English translation by K. Yamamoto and Ch. Burnett Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 2000 Incluso in > On historical astrology - ?The ?book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions) / Abu Ma?sar ; edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto, Charles Burnett Testo Monografico Abu Ma šar Ga far ben Mu?ammad ben ?Umar al-Bal?i 2- The Latin versions - Albumasar- On the great conjunctions / Latin text edited by Ch. Burnett and Arabic-Latin, Latin-Arabic glossaries by K. Yamamoto and Ch. Burnett Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 2000 Incluso in > On historical astrology - ?The ?book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions) / Abu Ma?sar ; edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto, Charles Burnett Testo Monografico Abu Ma šar Ga far ben Mu?ammad ben ?Umar al-Bal?i On historical astrology - The book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions) / Abu Ma?šar ; edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto, Charles Burnett Leiden (etc.) - Brill Testo Monografico Abu Qurrah, awdurus Des Theodor Abû Kurra Traktat über den Schöpfer und die wahre Religion / Theodor Abû Qurra ; übersetz von Georg Graf Münster - Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913 Testo Monografico Abu Qurrah, awdurus Traite de l'existence du createur et de la vrai religion / Theodore Abuqurra ; introduction et texte critique par Ignace Dick Jounieh (Libano) - Librairie Saint Paul ; Roma - Pontificio istituto orientale, 1982 Testo Monografico Abu Yazid al-Bistami Les dits de Bistami / traduit de l'arabe, présentation et note par Abdelwahab Meddeb Paris - Fayard, 1989 Testo Monografico |