Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 807 di 6283       

Bourget, Steve
Sex, death and sacrifice in Moche religion and visual culture / Steve Bourget
Austin - University of Texas press, 2006
Testo Monografico

Bourgogne (Ducato)
Remonstrances faictes au Roy de France, par les deputez des trois Estats du Duche de Bourgoigne, surl'Ediet de la pacificatio des troubles du Royaume de France. Par lesquelles appert clairement que deux differentes religions ne se peuuent comporter en mesme Republique ... Reueu corrige et amplifie ... auec annotation et citation des passages en marge
Anuers - Par Guillaume Silvius, Imprimeur du Roy, 1564
Testo Monografico

Bourke, John Gregory
Scatalogic rites of all nations - a dissertation upon the employment of excrementitious remedial agents in religion, therapeutics, divination, witchcraft, love-philters, etc., in all parts of the globe - based upon original notes and personal observation, and upon compilation from over one thousand authorities / by Captain John G. Bourke
Mansfield Centre CT - Martino Publishing, 2009
Testo Monografico

Bourke, John Gregory
Scatologic rites of all nations - a dissertation upon the employment of excrementitious remedial agents in religion, therapeutics ... / by John G. Bourke
Washington - W. H. Lowdermilk & co., 1891
Testo Monografico

Bourke, John Gregory
The snake-dance of the Moquis of Arizona - being a narrative of a journey from Santa Fe´, New Mexico, to the villages of the Moqui Indians of Arizona, with a description of the manners and customs of this peculiar people, and especially of the revolting religious rite, the snake-dance - to which is added a brief dissertation upon serpent-worship in general, with an account of the tablet dance of the pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico, etc. / by John G. Bourke
London - S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1884
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Bourke, Ludovic
Theology of confirmation and teaching brothers vocation / with a preface from mons Andre Combes
Roma - Pontificia Universita Lateranense ; Roma ?etc.? - Desclee, 1965
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Bourlot, Alberto
Immagini della Scrittura - traduzioni della Bibbia fra cinema e televisione / Alberto Bourlot
Brescia - Queriniana, ©2002
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Bournique, Joseph
La pedagogia dell'eroe - insegnamento religioso per i ragazzi dai 12 ai 14 anni / J. Bournique, P. Pilet, F. Soffray
Leumann (Torino) - Elle Di Ci, stampa 1965
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Bourque, Emmanuel
Ceremonial des Enfants de Choeur / Abbe Emmanuel Bourque
Quebec - les editions de la Commission Diocesaine des Ceremonies, °1937
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Bourquin, Laurent
Les nobles, la ville et le roi - l'autorité nobiliaire en Anjou pendant les guerres de religion (1560-1598) / Laurent Bourquin
Paris - Belin, c2001
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Bourseiller, Christophe
Carlos Castaneda - la biografia / Christophe Bourseiller
Roma - Tre Edi tori, c2007
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Bousquet, François
La personne humaine à la lumière de la foi chrétienne / Pr. Dr. François Bousquet
Incluso in > Pro dialogo / Pontificium consilium pro dialogo inter religiones
Testo a stampa

Bousquet, Georges
La religion au Japon
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1876 ?
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Bousquet, Georges Henri (1900-1978)
Une théocratie économique - l'église mormone - (document pour servir à l'étude des rapports entre l'économique et la religion) / (G. H. Bousquet
Paris - Sirey, 1936
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Bousquet, Joseph Claude Francois
Politique et religion / par J. Bousquet
Cusset - Impr. et lit. de Th. Villard, 1857
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