Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 943 di 6283       

Butler, Cuthbert
Chemins de vie chrétienne - spiritualité d'autrefois pour âmes d'aujourd'hui / Cuthbert Butler ; traduit de l'anglais par le chanoine P. Huré
Paris - Desclée de Brouwer, 1937
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Butler, Cuthbert
Il misticismo occidentale - contemplazione e vita contemplativa nel pensiero di Agostino, Gregorio e Bernardo / Cuthbert Butler
Bologna - Il mulino, (1970)
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Butler, Cuthbert
Religions of authority and the religion of the Spirit - with other essays, apologetical and critical / by Cuthbert Butler
London - Sheed & Ward, 1930
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Butler, Cuthbert
Western mysticism - the teaching of SS. Augustine, Gregory and Bernard on contemplation and the contemplative life - neglected chapters in the history of religion / by Cuthbert Butler
London (etc. - Constable, 1922
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Butler, Cuthbert
Western mysticism - the teaching of SS. Augustine, Gregory and Bernard on contemplation and the contemplative life - neglected chapters in the history of religion / Cuthbert Butler
London - Constable & company, 1927
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Butler, Donald J.
Four philosophies and their practice in education and religion / J. Donald Butler
New York - Harper & Row, 1957
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Butler, Eliza Marian
The Saint-Simonian religion in Germany - a study of the Young German Movement
New York - H. Fertig, 1968
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Butler, Eliza Marian
The Saint-Simonian religion in Germany - a study of the Young German Movement / E. M. Butler
Cambridge - University press, 1926
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Butler, Ivan
Religion in the cinema / by Ivan Butler
New York - A. S. Barnes & co. ; London - A. Zwemmer, c1969
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Butler, J. Donald
Four philosophies and their practice in education and religion / J. Donald Butler
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, c1968
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Butler, Jon
Awash in a sea of faith - christianizing the American people / Jon Butler
Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London - Harvard University press, c1990
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Butler, Jon
Religion in American history - a reader / Jon Butler and Harry S. Stout
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University press, 1998
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Butler, Joseph
3- L' analogia della religione naturale e rivelata con la costituzione e il corso della natura / Joseph Butler ; a cura di Albino Babolin
Firenze - Sansoni, stampa 1970
Incluso in > Opere ... / Joseph Butler ; a cura di A. Babolin
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Butler, Joseph
L' analogie de la religion naturélle et révélée avec l'ordre et le cours de la nature; par Joseph Butler, ... Traduit de l'anglais
A Paris - chez Brunot-Labbe, libraire de l'Université, quai des Augustins, n. 33. 1821 ((Parigi) - de l'imprimerie de Feugueray, rue du Cloître Saint-Benoît, n.4)
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Butler, Joseph
The analogy of religion / Joseph Butler ; introduction by Ernest C. Mossner
New York - Frederick Ungar Publishing, ©1961
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