(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Religione |
Pagina nr. 1491 di 6283 |
Homo transcendentalis Transcendence in science and religion- interdisciplinary perspectives - proceedings of the sixteenth conference of the South African Science and Religion Forum (SASRF) of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion held at the University of South Africa, Pretoria 2 to 3 September 2010 / editor Cornel W du Toit Pretoria - Research Institute for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa, 2010 Testo Monografico Conference on devotional literature in new Indo-Aryan languages (4. ; 1988 ; Cambridge) Devotional literature in South Asia - current research 1985-1988 - papers of the fourth Conference on devotional literature in new Indio Aryan languages held at Wolfson College, Cambridge, 1-4 September 1988 / edited by R. S. McGregor Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1992 Testo Monografico Conference on science philosophy and religion in the relation to the democratic way of life (10. ; 1950 ; New York) Perspectives on a troubled decade - science philosophy and religion 1939-1949 - 10. Symposium / edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, R. M. MacIver New York ; London - Harper & Brothers, 1950 Testo Monografico Conference on science philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life (1. ; 1940 ; New York) Science philosophy and religion - a symposium / Conference on science, philosophy and religion in the relation to the democratic way of life, inc New York - (s.n.), 1941 Testo Monografico Conference on science philosophy and religion in their relations to the democratic way of life (14. ; 1954 ; Cambridge (MA)) Symbols and society - fourteenth symposium of the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion / edited by Lyman Bryson ... (ed altri) New York - Cooper Square, 1964 Testo Monografico Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life (11. ; 1952 ; New York) Foundations of world organization - a political and cultural appraisal - eleventh symposium / edited by Lyman Bryson ... (ed altri) ; published by the Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life New York ; London - Harper & Brothers, 1952 Testo Monografico Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life (14. ; 1955 ; New York) Symbols and society - fourteenth symposium of the Conference on science, philosophy and religion / edited by Lyman Bryson ... (ed altri) ; published by the Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life New York ; London - Harper & brothers, 1955 Testo Monografico Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life (9. ; 1950 ; New York) Goals for american education - ninth symposium / edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, R.M. Maciver ; published by the Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relation to the democratic way of life New York ; London - Harper & Brothers, 1950 Testo Monografico Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relations to the Democratic Way of Life (13. ; 1952 ; New York) Symbols and values- an initial study - 13. Symposium of the Conference on science, philosophy and religion held in New York City, September, 1952 / edited by Liman Bryson ... ed altri New York - Cooper Square, 1964 Testo Monografico Conference on science, philosophy and religion in their relations to the democratic way of life (15. ; 1956 ; New York) Aspects of human equality - 15. symposium of the Conference ... / ed. by Lyman Bryson ... (ed altri) New York ; London - Harper, 1956 Testo Monografico Conferencia de los ministros generales de la primera orden franciscana y de la tor La nueva formula de la profesion religiosa de la Primera Orden Franciscana y de la TOR / Primera Orden Franciscana y TOR ; presentacion Agostino Gardin Min. Gen OFMConv 60 p. ; 21 cm Testo Monografico Conferencia episcopal argentina Mi encuentro con Jesus - preparacion a la primera comunion - Texto de religion para primer grado superior segun los programas aprobados por la asamblea plenaria del episcopado argentino el 15 de Octubre de 1957 Rosario - Editorial Apis, stampa 1962 Testo Monografico Conferencia episcopal espaņola Chiesa e comunita politica - la Chiesa spagnola rivendica la sua autonomia Torino-Leumann - Elle Di Ci, (1975 ) Testo Monografico Conferencia espanola de religiosas Guia de las comunidades religiosas femeninas de Espana / Conferencia espanola de religiosas Madrid - CONFER, 1980 Testo Monografico Conferencia espanola de religiosos Guia de las comunidades religiosas masculinas de Espana - 1984 / Conferencia espanola de religiosos Madrid - Confer, 1984 Testo Monografico |