Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 1602 di 6283       

Cragg, Gerald Robertson
From Puritanism to the Age of Reason - a study of changes in religious thought within the church of England 1660 to 1700
Cambridge - University press, 1966
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Cragg, Gerald Robertson
From Puritanism to the Age of Reason - a study of changes in religious thought within the church of England - 1660-1700
Cambridge - University press, 1950
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Cragg, Kenneth
Maometto e il cristiano - un problema che attende risposta / Kenneth Cragg
Torino - Società editrice internazionale, 1986
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Crahay, Roland
La religion des grecs / Roland Crahay
Bruxelles - Labor, stampa 1966
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Crahay, Roland
La religion des Grecs / Roland Crahay
Bruxelles - Complexe, 1991
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Craig, Hardin
English religious drama of the middle ages
Oxford - The Clarendon press, 196
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Craig, Hardin
English religious drama of the Middle ages / by Hardin Craig
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1955
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Craig, Hardin
English religious drama of the Middle Ages / Hardin Craig
Oxford - Clarendon, 1960
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Craig, Leigh Ann
Wandering women and holy matrons - women as pilgrims in the later Middle Ages / by Leigh Ann Craig
Leiden ; Boston - Brill, 2009
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Craigie, William A. (sir)
The religion of ancient scandinavia / by W. A. Craigie
London - Constable, 1914
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Crainic, Nichifor
Retorica poeziei religioase a lui Nichifor Crainic / Laura Badescu
Bucuresti - Minerva, 2000
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Cramer, Johann Andreas (1723-1788)
Joh. Andr. Cramer's ausgewählte religiöse Gefänge
New York - Druck und Verlag vom Bibliographischen Institut, 1831
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Crana Perron, Angela
Saouzë d'Oulx - storia, turismo e ski, lavoro, religiosità / Angela Crana Perron, Christine Fundone Allemand, Pierina Vazon Poncet ; fotografie di Placido Eydallin
Sant'Ambrogio °di Torino - Susalibri, stampa 2004
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Craneus, Faustinus
Narratiua della vita d'vn figlio, et d'vna madre scozzesi di patria, & nobilissimi per nascita; ... Opera composta in latino dal P. Faustino Diestense Capuccino & tradotta in lingua volgare da un diuoto della religione ... In Modona - appresso Giulian Cassiani, 1634
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Crangle, Edward Fitzpatrick
The origin and development of early Indian contemplative practices / Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle
Wiesbaden - Harrassowitz, 1994
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