Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 2497 di 6283       

Gauslini, Bernardino
B. Albertus Magnus gente Teutonicus, natione Sueuus, patria Lauingensis, episcopus Ratisponae, ex Fam. Praed. recens laudibus illustratus ab religioso eiusdem familiae ... cum duplici indiculo, altero capitum, altero rerum. ..
Venetijs - typis Georgij Valentini, 1630
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Gaussin, Pierre-Roger
L' Europe des ordres et des congregations - des Benedictins aux Mendiant - 6.-16. siecle / Pierre-Roger Gaussin
Saint-Etienne - Reboul Imprimerie , 1984
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Gaussin, Pierre-Roger
Le monde des religieux des origines au temps present - glorification de Dieu et service des hommes / Pierre-Roger Gaussin
Paris - Cujas, 1988
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Gaustad, Edwin S.
Sworn on the altar of god - a religious biography of Thomas Jefferson / Edwin S. Gaustad
Gran Rapids - Eerdmans Publishing company, c1996
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
American religious history / by Edwin S. Gaustad
Washington - Service Center for Teachers of History, 1966
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
Dissent in American religion / Edwin Scott Gaustad
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, 1973
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
Faith of the founders - religion and the new nation, 1776-1826 / Edwin S. Gaustad
Waco (TX) - Baylor University press, c2004
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
The Great Awakening in New England / Edwin Scott Gaustad
New York - Harper and brothers, 1957
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
Historical atlas of religion in America / by Edwin Scott Gaustad
New York - Harper & Row, 1976
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
A religion history of American / Edwin Scott Gaustad
San Francisco - Harper, c1990
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
Religion in America - history and historiography / Edwin Scott Gaustad
Washington - American historical association, (1973)
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
A religious history of America / by Edwin Scott Gaustad
New York - Harper & Row, c1966
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
A religious history of America / Edwin S. Gaustaud, Leigh E. Schmidt
New York - HarpersanFrancisco, 2002
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Gaustad, Edwin Scott
A religious history of America / Edwin Scott Gaustad
New York - Harper & Row, 1974
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Gauthier, Jean-Gabriel
Les chemins du mythe - essai sur le savoir et le religion des fali du Nord Cameroun / J. G. Gauthier ; préface de Yves Coppens
Meudon - Editions du centre national de recherche scientifique, 1988
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