Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 3128 di 6283       

Jenal, Georg
Italia ascetica atque monastica - das Asketen- und Mönchtum in Italien von den Anfängen bis zur Zeit der Langobarden (ca. 150/250-604) / von Georg Jenal
Stuttgart - A. Hiersemann, 1995
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Jendorff, Bernhard
Insegnare religione, ma come - proposte per la prassi didattica / Bernhard Jendorff
Leumann, Rivoli - Elle di ci, 1996
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Jenkins, Charles M.
The paradox of the mystical text in medieval English literature / Charles M. Jenkins
Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter - The Edwin Mellen Press, ©2003
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Jenkins, Daniel
Beyond religion - the truth and error in "religionless Christianity" / Daniel Jenkins
London - SCM, 1962
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Jenkins, Daniel Thomas, 1914-
The British their identity and their religion / Daniel Jenkins
London - SCM Press, 1975
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Jenkins, Elizabeth B.
Il ritorno dell'inka / Elizabeth B. Jenkins
Milano - Sonzogno best seller, 1999
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Jenkins, Geraint H.
Literature, religion and society in Wales, 1660-1730 / by Geraint H. Jenkins
Cardiff - University of Wales press, 1978
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Jenkins, Peggy J.
Pensieri felici - 50 giochi per aiutare i bambini a crescere spiritualmente / Peggy J. Jenkins
Milano - Xenia, 1999
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Jenkins, Philip
Gods continent - Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis / Philip Jenkins
New York - Oxford University Press, 2007
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Jenkins, Philip
Mystics and messiahs - cults and new religions in American history / Philip Jenkins
Oxford etc. - Oxford university press, 2000
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Jenkins, Philip
Satanism and Ritual Abuse / Philip Jenkins.
Incluso in > The Oxford handbook of new religious movements / edited by James R. Lewis
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Jenkins, Timothy
Religion in English everyday life - an ethnographic approach / by Timothy Jankins
New York ; Oxford - Berghahn books, 1999
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Jenner, Sue
Il segreto della famiglia felice - il rapporto ideale tra figli e genitori / Sue Jenner
Roma - Newton & Compton, 2000
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L' evidenza della religione cristiana / per Lord Jennings
Casale - Eredi Maffei e Gio. Scrivano, 1839
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Jennings, Hargrave
Phallic miscellanies - facts and phases of ancient and modern sex worship, as illustrated chiefly in the religions of India- an appendix of additional and explanatory matter to the volumes Phallism, and Nature worship / by the author of Phallicism
(London) - (s.n.), 1891
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