Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Religione

Pagina nr. 3362 di 6283       

Larsen, Stephan
A writer and his gods - a study of the importance of Yoruba myths and religious to the writing of Wole Soyinka / Stephan Larsen
Stockholm - University of Stockholm, (1983)
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Larsen, Timothy
Friends of religious equality - nonconformist politics in mid-Victorian England / Timothy Larsen
Woodbridge - Boydell press, 1999
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Larson, Edward J.
Summer for the Gods - the scopes trial and americas continuing debate over science and religion / Edward J. Larson
Cambridge (Mass.) ; London - Harvard university press, 1998
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Larson, Gerald James
India's agony over religion / Gerald James Larson
New York - State University of New York Press, 1995
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Larson, Jennifer Lynn
Greek heroine cults / Jennifer Larson
Madison - The University of Wisconsin Press, ©1995
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Larson, Jennifer Lynn
Greek nymphs - myth, cult, lore / Jennifer Larson
New York - Oxford university press, 2001
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Larson, Martin A.
The religion of the Occident - the origin and development of the Essene-christian faith / by Martin A. Larson
London - P. Owen, 1960
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Larson, Pier M.
A cultural politics of bedchamber construction and progressive dining in Antananarivo- ritual inversions during the Fandroana of 1817 / by Pier M. Larson
Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa
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Larsson, J. P.
Understanding religious violence - thinking outside the box on terrorism / J.P. Larsson
Aldershot ; Burlington (VT) - Ashgate, ©2004
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Laruccia, Domenico
Religione e mistificazione / Domenico Laruccia
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), (2007 )
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Larue, Gerald A.
Euthanasia and religion - a survey of the attitudes of world religions to the right-to-die / Gerald A. Larue
Los Angeles - The Hemlock society, 1985
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Larue, Jean-Michel - de
De l'amélioration du sort des militaires. Ouvrage où l'on expose les moyens de doubler le nombre et la force des nos troupes, de perfectionner la religion et les moeurs ... par m. De Larue ... Tome 1.(-2. , De l'amélioration morale, politique et économique
A Basle - chez Jean-Jaques Tourneisen, 1788
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Las Cagigas, Isidro - de
1- Los Mozarabes / por Isidro de Las Cagigas.
Incluso in > Minorias etnico-religiosas de la edad media espanola
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Lasagna, Osvaldo
Liberta religiosa / (recensione di Osvaldo Lasagna)
(Torino - s.n., 1955)
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Lasagni, Ilaria
Il Santuario nella storia religiosa e civile di Crema / Ilaria Lasagni
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato . s.n., 1990 )
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