(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Religione |
Pagina nr. 3539 di 6283 |
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Tome 1- Depuis l'etablissement de la religion, jusqu'a l'an 434 A Paris - chez Francois Montalant, quay des Augustins - (chez) Jean-Baptiste Coignard fils, imprimeur du Roi - (chez) Hippolyte-Louis Guerin, rue S. Jacques - (chez) Jacques Rollin fils, quay des Augustins, 1732 Incluso in > Histoire de l'Eglise gallicane, dediee a nosseigneurs du Clerge, par le p. Jacques Longueval, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Tome premier (-dix-huitieme) Testo Monografico Longueval, Jacques (1680-1735) Tome premier- Depuis l'établissement de la religion, jusqu'a l'an 434 A Nismes - chez Gaude, pere, fil, & compagnie, libraires, 1780 Incluso in > Histoire de l'Eglise Gallicane, dediee a nosseigneurs du clerge. Par le p. Jacques Longueval. Tome premier (-Tome quinzieme) Testo Monografico Longueville Mansel, Henry The limits of religious thought examined in eight lectures - preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1858 on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton / by Henry Longueville Mansel London - John Murray, 1859 Testo Monografico Longworth, T. Clifton The Gods of love - the creative process in early religion / by T. Clifton Longworth ; with a preface by Edward Podolsky, M.D. Litt.D Westport - Associated Booksellers, 1960 Testo Monografico Longás, Pedro Vida religiosa de los moriscos / por Pedro Longas Madrid - Imprenta Iberica. E. Maestre, 1915 Testo Monografico Lonis, Raoul Guerre et religion en Grece a l'epoque classique - recherches sur les rites, les dieux, l'ideologie de la victoire / par Raoul Lonis Paris - Les Belles Lettres, 1979 Testo Monografico Lonsdale, John M. Kikuyu christianities / by John Lonsdale Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa Testo a stampa Lonsdale, Steven H. Dance and ritual play in Greek religion / Steven H. Lonsdale Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, c1993 Testo Monografico Loo, Joseph - van (fl. 1732) Guji Oromo culture in Southern Ethiopia - religious capabilities in rituals and songs / Joseph Van de Loo ; with the collaboration of Bilow Kola Berlin - Reimer, 1991 Testo Monografico Loo, Peter - van der Rituale e mito nella vita dei Tlapanechi / di Peter L. van der Loo. Incluso in > 6- Culture e religioni indigene in America centrale e meridionale / D. Carrasco ... ed altri ; a cura di Lawrence E. Sulliva Testo a stampa Looff, Hans Der Symbolbegriff in der neueren Religionsphilosophie und Theologie / von Hans Looff Koln - Kolner Universitats Verlag, 1955 Testo Monografico Loofs, Friedrich Bekanntmachung der Ergebnisse der akademischen Preisbewerbung vom Jahre 1909 und der neuen fur das Jahr 1910 gestellten Preisaufgaben . Voran geht die Abhandlung- Lessings Stellung zum Christentum / von Friedrich Loofs Halle - Buchdruckerei des Waisenhauses, 1910 Testo Monografico Loon, Maurits Nanning - van Anatolia in the earlier first millennium b. C. / by Maurits N. van Loon Leiden (ecc. - E. J. Brill, 1991 Testo Monografico Loon, Maurits Nanning - van Anatolia in the second millennium b. C. / by Maurits N. van Loon Leiden - E. J. Brill, 1985 Testo Monografico Loos, Cornelis (1546 -1595) Spiritus vertiginis vtriusque Germaniĉ in Religionis dissidio, vnde cunctĉ calamitates, vera origo, progressus, ac indubitatus curandi modus. Cum reiectione ineffacium ad hoc Remediorum. Adductis huc prudentissimis quorundam eruditorum Consultationibus- per Cornelium Loosĉum Callidium. Indicem pagina dedicatoria subiuncta demonstrabit Moguntiĉ - typi inuentricis - apud Casparum Behem, 1582 Testo Monografico |