Hanna, Melvin W.
Chimica e meccanica quantistica / Melvin W. Hanna ; edizione italiana a cura di Aldo Gamba
Milano - CEA, 1974
Saggio Monografico
Hansen, Jean Pierre
Theory of simple liquids / Jean Pierre Hansen, Ian R. McDonald
London (etc.) - Academic press, 1986
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Hanssens, A.
Turbines a vapeur - description et theorie / par A. Hanssens
Paris - Ch. Beranger, 1905
Saggio Monografico
Harant, A.
Theorie des aubes courbes et de leurs effets / par A. Harant
Paris - Librairie generale de l'architecture et des travaux publics, 1876
Saggio Monografico
Harper Curtis, Alfred
Gold-quartz reduction / by Alfred Harper Curtis
London - published by the Institution of civil engineers, 1892
Saggio Monografico
Harrison Sheffield, George
The construction and efficiency of the boilers of locomotive engines / by George Harrison Sheffield
London - Published by the Institution, 1892
Saggio Monografico
Harrison, Joseph
Radial valve-gears - analysis of the motion of the valve / by Joseph Harrison
London - Published by the Institution, 1893
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Harrison, Walter Ashley (1930- )
Applied quantum mechanics / Walter A. Harrison
Singapore (etc.) - World scientific, c2000
Saggio Monografico
Hart, John
Constructionen und Entwurfe aus dem Gebiete des Maschinenbaues / J. Hart
Mannheim - Fr. Bassermann, 1861
Saggio Monografico
Hart, John
Die Verkzeugmaschinen der Maschinenfabriken zur Metall- und Holzbearbeitung / von J. Hart
Heidelberg - Friedrich Bassermann, 1868
Saggio Monografico
Hartmann, Friedel
Methode der Randelemente - Boundary elements in der Mechanik auf dem PC / Friedel Hartmann
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, 1987
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Hartog, Jacob Pieter - den
Advanced strength of materials / J. P. Den Hartog
New York - Dover, 1987
Saggio Monografico
Hartog, Jacob Pieter - den
Mechanics / by J. P. Den Hartog
New York - Dover, 1961
Saggio Monografico
Hashmi, Dean
Biodiversity wave mechanics- a physics for living systems - an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal and perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level / Dean Hashmi
Gottingen - Cuvillier, c2002
Saggio Monografico
Hasluck, Paul N.
Lathe-work - a practical treatise on the tools, appliances, and processes employed in the art of turning / by Paul N. Hasluck
London - Crosby Lockwood and son, 1901
Saggio Monografico