segue FERRO
Giedion, Sigfried
Building in France, building in iron, building in ferro-concrete / Sigfried Giedion ; intoduction by Sokratis Georgiadis ; translation by J. Duncan Berry
Santa Monica - The Getty Center for the history of art and the humanities, 1995
Saggio Monografico
Gierow, Par Goran
The iron age culture of Latium
Lund - Gleerup, 1964- .
Saggio Monografico
Goldstein, Georg (1877- )
Die Entwicklung der deutschen Roheisenindustrie seit 1879 - Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Hohen philosophischen Fakultat der vereinigten Friedrichs-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg / vorgelegt von Georg Goldstein
Halle a. S. - Friedrichs-Universitat, 1908 (Berlin - L. Simion)
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Ordnance Survey.
Map of southern Britain in the Iron Age - scale 1-625.000, about ten miles to one inch / made and published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey
Reprinted with minor changes
Saggio Monografico
Granjon, R.
La saldatura autogena e il taglio coll'ossigeno del ferro e acciaio / R. Granjon ... (ed altri) ; versione e adattamento a cura di Carlo Bottini
Milano - Collettiva tipografica, 1927
Saggio Monografico
Greenwood, William Henry
Steel and iron - comprising the practice and theory of the several methods pursued in their manufacture ... / by William Henry Greenwood
London (etc.) - Cassell & Co., 1884
Saggio Monografico
Grimaldi, R.
Advances in ferroalloys instrumental analysis / R. Grimaldi, A. Meucci, G. Randi
(Milano) - Philips technical library, (1975)
Saggio Monografico
Gruner, O.
Formeln und Tabellen zu einfachen statischen berechnungen ... / O. Gruner
Leipzig - Eduard Baldamus, 1892
Saggio Monografico
Guidi, Alessandro (1952- )
La necropoli veiente dei quattro fontanili - nel quadro della fase recente della prima eta del ferro italiana / Alessandro Guidi
Firenze - L. S. Olschki, 1993
Saggio Monografico
Gustin, Mitja
Posocje - Posocje in der jungeren Einsenzeit / Mitja Gustin
Ljubljana - Narodni muzej, 1991
Saggio Monografico
Haerinck, Ernie
2- Chamahzi Mumah - an Iron age 3. graveyard / by E. Haerinck and B. Overlaet
Lovanii - in aedibus Peeters, 1998
Saggio Monografico
Haerinck, Ernie
3- Djub-i Gauhar and Gul Khanan Murdah - Iron age 3. graveyards in the Aivan plain / by E. Haerinck and B. Overlaet
Lovanii - in aedibus Peeters, 1999
Saggio Monografico
Harris, J. R
The British iron industry - 1700-1850 / J. R. Harris
Basingstoke - MacMillan, 1988
Saggio Monografico
Harris, J. R
The British iron industry 1700-1850 / prepared for the Economic History Society by J. R. Harris
Basingstoke - Macmillan Education, (1988)
Saggio Monografico
Hartley, E. N.
Ironworks on the Saugus - the Lynn and Braintree Ventures of the Company of undertakers of the ironworks in New England / by E.N. Hartley
Norman ; London, 1957
Saggio Monografico