Iapoce, G. (Giuseppe)
Elementi di aritmetica e geometria - con esercizi svolti e proposti / Iapoce G., Titone G., Marmo O
Napoli - Simone, 1988
Saggio Monografico
Ilin, V. A.
Analytic geometry / V. A. Ilyin and G. E. Poznyak ; translated from the Russian by Irene Aleksanova
Moscow - Mir, 1984
Saggio Monografico
Ilin, V. A.
Geometrie analytique / V. Iline, E. Pozniak
Moscou - MIR, copyr. 1985
Saggio Monografico
Incontro Internuclei matematici delle scuole secondarie superiori (3. ; 1992
La geometria da un glorioso passato a un brillante futuro - atti del 3. incontro internuclei matematici delle scuole secondarie superiori - Parma, 26-27-28 novembre 1992 / a cura di Carlo Marchini, Francesco Speranza e Paola Vighi
Parma - Universita, 1992?
Saggio Monografico
Institutul de matematica (Iassy)
Proceedings of the Institute of mathematics Iasi
Bucuresti - Editura Academiei Republicii socialiste Romania, 1976
Saggio Monografico
International colloquium on differential geometry (4. ; 1978 ; Santiago De Compostela)
Proceedings of the 4. International colloquium on differential geometry - Santiago de Compostela, september 1978
Santiago de Compostela - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, pref. 1979
Saggio Monografico
International conference on differential geometric methods in theoretical physics (22. ; 1993 ; Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo)
Proceedings of the 22. international conference on differential geometric methods in theoretical physics - Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico, September 20-24, 1993 / editors- Jaime Keller, Zbigniew Oziewicz
Mexico - Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico, c1994
Saggio Monografico
International conference on differential geometry and its applications (5. ; 1992 ; Opava)
Differential geometry and its applications - proceedings - 5. international conference on differential geometry and its applications, August 24-28, 1992, Opava, Czechoslovakia / editors- O. Kowalski and D. Krupka
Opava - Silesian university, 1993
Saggio Monografico
Proceedings of the Third international conference on engineering graphics and descriptive geometry - july 11-16, 1988, Vienna, Austria / co-editors- Steve M. Slaby, Hellmuth Stachel
Vienna - EGDG, 1988
Saggio Monografico
International conference on incidence geometries and combinatorial structures (1986
Combinatorics '86 - proceedings of the international conference on incidence geometries and combinatorial structures - Passo della Mendola, Trento, Italy, 30 June-5 July, 1986 / edited by A. Barlotti, M. Marchi, G. Tallini
Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1988
Saggio Monografico
International meeting on Geometry and physics (1982 ; Firenze)
Proceedings of the International meeting on Geometry and physics - Florence, October 12-15, 1982 / edited by M. Modugno
Bologna - Pitagora, 1983
Saggio Monografico
International meeting on quantum gravity and spectral geometry (2001 ; Napoli)
Quantum gravity and spectral geometry - proceedings of the International meeting on quantum gravity and spectral geometry - Napoli, 2-7 July 2001 / edited by Giampiero Esposito, Gennaro Miele, Bruno Preziosi
Amsterdam - North-Holland, c2002
Saggio Monografico
International seminar on mathematical theory of dynamical systems and microphysics (2 ; 1981 ; Udine)
Dynamycal systems and microphysics - geometry and mechanics - the proceedings of the 2. International seminar on Mathematical theory of dinamical systems and microphysics, held at the International center for mechanical sciences at Udine,Italy from Septe
New York (etc.) - Academic press, 1982
Saggio Monografico
International symposium on differential geometry in honor of S.-S. Chern (1979
The Chern symposium 1979 - proceedings of the International symposium on differential geometry in honor of S.-S. Chern, held in Berkeley, California, June 1979 / edited by W. Y. Hsiang ... (ed altri) ; with contributions by M. F. Atiyah ... (ed altri)
New York (etc.) - Springer, c1980
Saggio Monografico
International Taniguchi symposium (17. ; 1985 ; Katata)
Curvature and topology of riemannian manifolds - proceedings of the 17th international Taniguchi symposium held in Katata, Japan, Aug. 26-31, 1985 / edited by K. Shiohama, T. Sakai and T. Sunada
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c1986
Saggio Monografico