Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Gli Stati Uniti d'America

Pagina nr. 315
1-50- 100-150- 200-250- 300-350- 400-450- 500-550- 600-650- 700-750- 800-850- 900-950-1050-1150


Barker, Rene A.
Hydrogeologic framework of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer systems, West-central Texas / by Rene A. Barker and Ann F. Ardis
Washington - United States government printing office, 1996
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Barker, Rodney
Livello 3 / Rodney Barker ; traduzione di Luigi Schenoni
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, (1999)
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Barker, Wayne G.
The history of codes and ciphers in the United States prior to world war 1/ edited by Wayne G. Barker
Laguna Hills, CA
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Barkley, Katherine Traver
The ambulance - the story of emergency transportation of sick and wounded through the centuries / Katherine Traver Barkley
Kiamesha Lake, N.Y.
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Barkun, Michael
Religion and the racist right - the origins of the christian identity movement / Michael Barkun
Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina press, c1997
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Barnard, Rita
The Great depression and the culture of abundance - Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, and mass culture in the 1930s / Rita Barnard
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1995
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Barnes, David W.
Cases and materials on law and economics / by David W. Barnes, Lynn A. Stout
St. Paul, Minn.
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Barnes, David W.
The economic analysis of tort law / by David W. Barnes, Lynn A. Stout
St. Paul, Minn.
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Barnes, David W.
The economics of property rights and nuisance law / by David W. Barnes, Lynn A. Stout
St. Paul, Minn.
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Barnes, David W.
Statistics as proof - fundamentals of quantitative evidence / David W. Barnes
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and Co., 1983
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Barnes, Gilbert Hobbs
The antislavery impulse, 1830-1844 / Gilbert Hobbs Barnes ; with a new introduction by William G. McLoughlin
New York (etc. - Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964
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Barnes, Harry Elmer
New horizons in criminology / Harry Elmer Barnes and Negley K. Teeters
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, 1951
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Barnes, Harry Elmer
Society in transition / by Harry Elmer Barnes
New York - Prentice-Hall, 1952
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Barnes, William Harrison
The contemporary american organ - its evolution, design and construction / by William Harrison Barnes
Glen Rock, New Jersey
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Barnes, William R.
The new regional economies - the US common market and the global economy / William R. Barnes, Larry C. Ledebur
Thousand Oaks, etc.
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