Bird, Kai
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New York - Simon & Schuster, c1998
Saggio Monografico
Birnbaum, Karl E.
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Stockholm - Almqvist & Wiksell, 1958
Saggio Monografico
Birnbaum, Pierre
La structure du pouvoir aux Etats-Unis / par Pierre Birnbaum
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1971
Saggio Monografico
Birnbaum, Robert
Management fads in higher education - where they come from, what they do, why they fail / Robert Birnbaum
San Francisco - Jossey-Bass, c2001
Saggio Monografico
Birnbaum, Stephen
Stati Uniti / Stephen Birnbaum, Claire Hardiman, David Walker
Verona - Futuro, 1986
Saggio Monografico
Birnbaum, Stephen
Stati Uniti / Stephen Birnbaum, Claire Hardiman, David Walker
Verona - Futuro, 1993
Saggio Monografico
Birnbaum, Stephen
Stati Uniti / Stephen Birnbaum, Claire Hardiman, David Walker
Verona - Futuro, 1994
Saggio Monografico
Birziska, Vaclovas
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Chigago - Institute of Lithuanian studies, 1994
Saggio Monografico
Bischak, Gregory A.
State-induced technological change in the United States nuclear power industry, 1947-1987 / Gregory Allen Bischak
Ann Arbor - U. M. I., 1989
Saggio Monografico
Biscossa, Giuseppe
4 passi in America / Giuseppe Biscossa
(Lugano) - Giornale del popolo, stampa 1962
Saggio Monografico
Bish, Robert L.
The public economy of metropolitan areas / Robert L. Bish
Chicago - Markham, c 1971
Saggio Monografico
Bishop, Donald G.
The Roosevelt-Litvinov agreements - the American view / Donald G. Bishop
Syracuse - Syracuse university, c1965
Saggio Monografico
Bishop, Leo V.
The fighting Forty-Fifth - the combat report of an Infantry Division / Leo V. Bishop ; Frank J. Glasgow ; George A. Fisher ; compiled and edited under the supervision of the Historical Board
Nashville - The Battery Press, 1978
Saggio Monografico
Bishop, Robert
New discoveries in american quilts / Robert Bishop, Patricia Coblentz
New York - E. P. Dutton & Co., 1975
Saggio Monografico
Bisoni, Cesare
Aspetti delle operazioni di mercato aperto negli Stati Uniti d'America / Cesare Bisoni
Milano - A. Giuffre, 1974
Saggio Monografico