Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Gli Stati Uniti d'America

Pagina nr. 664
1-50- 100-150- 200-250- 300-350- 400-450- 500-550- 600-650- 700-750- 800-850- 900-950-1050-1150


Hochschild, Jennifer L.
Facing up to the American dream - race, class, and the soul of the nation / Jennifer L. Hochschild
Princeton - Princeton university press, 1996
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Hochschild, Jennifer L.
The new American dilemma - liberal democracy and school desegregation / Jennifer L. Hochschild
New Haven (etc.) - Yale university press, c1984
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Hockett, Charles F.
La linguistica americana contemporanea / Charles F. Hockett
Roma ; Bari - Laterza, 1970
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Hockett, Homer Carey
Political and social growth of the american people - 1492-1865 / by Homer Carey Hockett
New York - MacMillan, 1943
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Hocking, Brian
Beyond foreign economic policy - the United States, the Single European Market and the changing world economy / Brian Hocking and Michael Smith
London ; Washington, 1997
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Hodder-Williams, Richard
The politics of the US Supreme court / by Richard Hodder-Williams
London (etc.) - G. Allen and Unwin, 1980
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Hodes, Martha
White women, black men - illicit sex in the nineteenth-century South / Martha Hodes
New Haven ; London, c1997
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Hodge, Carl Cavanagh
All of the people, all of the time - American government at the end of the century / Carl Cavanagh Hodge
New York etc. - Peter Lang, c1998
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Hodson, Randy
Workers? earnings and corporate economic structure / Randy Hodson
New York etc. - Academic press, 1983
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Hoertz Badaracco, Claire
Trading words - poetry, typography and illustrated books in the modern literary economy / Claire Hoertz Badaracco
Baltimore ; London, 1995
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Hoetzel, Holger
Route 66 - Strasse der Sehnsucht / Holger Hoetzel
Frankfurt a. Main etc. - Berlin, 1993
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Hoff, Joan
Law, gender and injustice - a legal history of U.S. women / Joan Hoff
New York ; London, c1991
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Hoffe, Otfried
L' Etat et la justice - les problemes ethiques et politiques dans la philosophie anglo-saxonne - John Rawls et Robert Nozick / par Otfried Hoffe
Paris - Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1988
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Hoffer, Peter Charles
Law and people in colonial America / by Peter Charles Hoffer
Baltimore and London - Johns Hopkins University press, c1992
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Hoffert, Sylvia D.
When hens crow - the womans rights movement in antebellum America / Sylvia D. Hoffert
Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press, c1995
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