Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935)
Opinioni dissenzienti / Oliver Wendell Holmes ; a cura di Carmelo Geraci
Milano - Giuffre, 1975
Saggio Monografico
Holmes, Robyn M.
How young children perceive race / Robyn M. Holmes
Thousand Oaks (etc.) - Sage, c1995
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Holmes, Ronald M.
Sex crimes / Ronald M. Holmes
Newbury Park (etc.) - Sage, (1991)
Saggio Monografico
Holmes, Stephen
The cost of rights - why liberty depends on taxes / Stephen Holmes and Cass R. Sunstein
New York ; London - Norton & Company, c1999
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Holmes, Stephen
Il costo dei diritti - perche la liberta dipende dalle tasse / Stephen Holmes, Cass R. Sunstein
Bologna - Il mulino, 2000
Saggio Monografico
Holstein, William J.
The Japanese power game - what it means for America / William J. Holstein
New York (etc.) - Scribner, c1990
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Holsti, Ole R.
Public opinion and american foreign policy / Ole R. Holsti
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan Press, c1996
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Holt, John
The underachieving school / John Holt
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1971
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Holt, Michael F.
The political crisis of the 1850s / Michael F. Holt
New York - John Wiley & Sons, 1978
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Holt, Michael F.
Political parties and American political development - from the age of Jackson to the age of Lincoln / Michael F. Holt
Baton Rouge ; London, c1992
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Holt, Richard
The reluctant superpower - a history of America's global economic reach / Richard Holt
New York, etc.
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Holt, Robert Theodor
Strategic psychological operations and American foreign policy / di Robert T. Holt and Robert W. Van de Velde
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, stampa 1989
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Holtz, Raymond C.
Listen to the stories - gay and lesbian catholics talk about their lives and the church / Raymond C. Holtz
New York (ecc.) - Garland, 1991
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Holtzschue, Karl B.
Purchase and sale of real property / by Karl B. Holtzschue, principal author and general editor
New York - M. Bender, c1988-
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Holzle, Erwin
Russland und Amerika - Aufbruch und Begegnung zweier Weltmachte / Erwin Holzle
Munchen - Oldenbourg, 1953
Saggio Monografico