Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Storia (CUN-ESP) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1526
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1667


Edwards, Newton
The school in the american social order - the dynamics of american education / by Newton Edwards and Herman G. Richey
Boston - Houghton Mifflin ; Cambridge - The university press, c1947
Testo Monografico

Edwards, Richard
La storia di Talpina Ballerina / testo di Richard Edwards ; illustrazioni di Caroline Anstey ; traduzione di E.Moltani
Milano - Alauda, c1994
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Edwards, Ruth B.
Kadmos the Phoenician - a study in Greek legends and the Mycenaean Age / Ruth B. Edwards
Amsterdam - Adolf M. Hakkert, 1979
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Edwards, Stewart
The Paris Commune 1871 / Stewart Edwards
London - Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1971
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Edwards, Viv
Oral cultures past and present - rappin' and Homer / Viv Edwards, Thomas J. Sienkewicz
Cambridge, Massachussetts - Basil Blackwell, 1991
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Edwards, William B.
The story of Colt's revolver - the biography of Samuel Colt / William B. Edwards
Harrisburg - Stackpole, 1953
Testo Monografico

Edyvean, Walter
Anselm of Havelberg and the theology of history - excerpta ex dissertatione al lauream in Facultate theologica Pontificiae universitatis Gregorianae / auctore Walter Edyvean
Roma - ?s.n.?, 1972 (Citta di Castello - STE)
Testo Monografico

Effe, Bernd
Die antike Bukolik / eine Einfuhrung von Bernd Effe und Gerhard Binder
Munchen ; Zurich - Artemis Verlag, copyr. 1989
Testo Monografico

Effenberger, Arne
Fruhchristliche Kunst und Kultur von den Anfangen bis zum 7. Jahrundert / Arne Effenberger
Leipzig - Koehler & Amelang, 1986
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Effenterre, Henri - van
La cité grecque - des origines à la défaite de Marathon / Henri van Effenterre
(Paris - Hachette, 1985
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Effenterre, Henri - van
Cretica selecta / Henri van Effenterre
Amsterdam - Hakkert, 1990
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Effenterre, Henri - van
Les Egeens - aux origines de la Grece, Chypre, Cyclades, Crete et Mycenes / Henri van Effenterre
Paris - A. Colin, 1986
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Effenterre, Henri - van
La nécropole de Dréros / par Henri van Effenterre ; édité par Massimo Perna ; avec la collaboration de Maia Pomadère et Julien Zurbach ; avant-propos- Francesco De Sanctis ; introduction- Dominique Mulliez
Athènes - École française d'Athènes ; Naples - Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, 2009
Testo Monografico

Effenterre, Henri - van
Le palais de Mallia et la cite minoenne - etude de synthese
Roma - Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1980
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Efimenko, Aleksandra Jakovlevna
Istorija ukrainskogo naroda / A. Ja. Efimenko
Kiev - Lybid, 1990
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