Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Storia (JEM-MAN) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1467
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1667


Mackenzie, John
Ten years north of the orange river - a story of everyday life and work among the south african tribes from 1859-1869 / by John Mackenzie
London - F. Cass & C., 1971
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Mackenzie, Kenneth R.
The English Parliament / K. R. Mackenzie
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1951
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Mackenzie, Norman
Breve storia del socialismo / Norman Mackenzie ; traduzione di Mario Pacor
Torino - G. Einaudi, 1953
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Mackenzie, Norman
Socialism - a short history / by Norman Mackenzie
London - Hutchinson's University Library, 1949
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MacKenzie, Norman (1921- )
Breve storia del socialismo / Norman Mackenzie
(Torino) - G. Einaudi, 1953
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Mackenzie, R. A. F.
Fede e storia nell'Antico Testamento / R.A.F. MacKenzie
Francavilla al Mare - Edizione paoline, c1970
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Mackenzie, William
Le grandi avventure spirituali - Akhenaton, gli ariani, Zarathustra, i Veda, la Cina e il Tao, Lao-tse, il Buddha, Orfeo, Pitagora, Platone, sant'Agostino, san Francesco / William Mackenzie ; prefazione e traduzione di Gastone De Boni ; prefazione e note di Raymond de Becker
Verona - Luce e ombra, 1968
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MacKerness, Eric Donald
A social history of English music / E. D. Mackerness
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul ; Toronto - University of Toronto, 1964
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Mackerras, Colin
The Cambridge handbook of contemporary China / Colin Mackerras, Amanda Yorke
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university, 1991
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Mackerras, Colin
Chinese theater - from its origins to the present day / edited by Colin Mackerras
Honolulu - University of Hawaii, c1983
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Mackerras, Colin
The Chinese theatre in modern times - from 1840 to the present day / Colin Mackerras
London - Thames and Hudson, c1975
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Mackerras, Colin
The new Cambridge handbook of contemporary China / Colin Mackerras
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 2001
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Mackevic, Jozef Florianov
Pobeda provokacii / Juzef Mackevic ; perevod s pol'skogo Galiny i Sergeja Kryžickih
London etc. - Zarja, 1983
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Mackey, James P.
An introduction to Celtic Christianity / Edited by James P.Mackey
Edinburgh - T&T Clark, c1989
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Mackie, J. D.
(7)- The earlier Tudors - 1485-1558 / by J. D. Mackie
Oxford - at the Clarendon press, stampa 1957
Incluso in > ?The ?Oxford history of England / edited by George Clark
Testo Monografico

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