Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Storia (SOR-VIC) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 258
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1666


Stern, Daniel
Histoire des commencements de la République aux Pays-bas - 1581-1625 / par Daniel Stern
Paris - M. Levy Frères, 1872
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Stern, Fritz
The failure of illiberalism - essays on the political culture of modern Germany / Fritz Stern
New York - Columbia University Press, c1992
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Stern, Fritz
Politique et Desespoir - les ressentiments contre la modernite dans l'Allemagne prehitlerienne / Fritz Stern ; traduit de l'americain par Catherine Malamoud
Paris - Armand Colin, c1990
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Stern, Geoffrey
The rise and decline of international communism / Geoffrey Stern
Aldershot - E. Elgar, 1990
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Stern, J. P.
Hitler - the Führer and the people / J. P. Stern
London - Fontana ; Glasgow - Collins, 1975
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Stern, Jane
Way out West - Cowboys, Conchas und Coyoten / von Jane & Michael Stern ; aus dem Amerikanischen von Bettina Müller
Berlin - Ullstein, 1996 (Pioltello - Rotolito lombarda)
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Stern, Joseph Peter
The heart of Europe - essays on literature and ideology / J. P. Stern
Oxford ; Cambridge, Mass. - Blackwell, 1992
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Stern, Karen B.
Inscribing devotion and death - archaeological evidence for Jewish populations of North Africa / by Karen B. Stern
Leiden ; Boston - Brill, 2008
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Stern, Kurt
Schauplatz / Kurt und Jeanne Stern
Berlin - Verlag Neues Leben, 1972
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Stern, Laura Ikins
The criminal law system of medieval and reinassance Florence / Laura Ikins Stern
Baltimore etc. - J. Opkins university press, c1994
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Stern, Madeleine B.
Studies in the Franco-American booktrade during the late 18th and early 19th centuries / Madeleine Stern
London - The Pindar press, 1994
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Stern, Madeleine Bettina
Imprints on history, book publishers and American frontiers / Madaleine B. Stern
Bloomington - Indiana University Press, 1956
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Stern, Norbert
Die Weltpolitik der Weltmode / von Norbert Stern
Stuttgart ; Berlin - Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1915
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Stern, Philip Van Doren
The Confederate Navy - a pictorial history / by Philip Van Doren Stern
Garden City - Doubleday, 1962
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Stern, Robert C.
U-boats in action / by Robert C. Stern ; illustrated by Don Greer
Carrollton - Squadron/Signal Publications, ©1977
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