Women and literature in Britain, 1700-1800 / edited by Vivien Jones Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2000 Testo Monografico Women and moral theory / edited by Eva Feder Kittay and Diana T. Meyers London - Rowman & Littlefield, 1987 Testo Monografico Women and power in the middle ages / edited by Mary Erler, Maryanne Kowaleski Athens USA ; London - The University of Georgia press, c1988 Testo Monografico Women and property - women as property / edited by Renee Hirschon London ; Canberra - Croom Helm ; New York - St. Martin's Press, 1984 Testo Monografico Women and reason / edited by Elizabeth D. Harvey and Kathleen Okruhlik Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, 1992 Testo Monografico Women and the American Labor Movement / Philip S. Foner New York - The Free Press ; London - Collier Macmillian Testo Monografico Women and the Holocaust - narrative and representation / edited by Esther Fuchs Lanham etc. - University press of America, 1999 Testo Monografico Women and work in preindustrial England / edited by Lindsey Charles and Lorna Duffin London etc. - Croom Helm, 1985 Testo Monografico Women and work in preindustrial Europe / edited by Barbara A. Hanawalt Bloomington - Indiana university, ©1986 Testo Monografico Women and World War 1. - the written response / edited by Dorothy Goldman Basingstoke ; London - MacMillan Press, 1993 Testo Monografico Women artists and the decorative arts, 1880-1935 - the gender of ornament / edited by Bridget Elliott and Janice Helland Aldershot ; Burlington - Ashgate, c2002 Testo Monografico Women as mothers in pre-industrial England - essays in memory of Dorothy McLaren / edited by Valerie Fildes London ; New York - Routledge, 1990 Testo Monografico Women critics, 1660-1820 - an anthology / edited by the Folger collective on early women critics Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana University Press, ©1995 Testo Monografico Women designers in the USA, 1900-2000- diversity and difference / Pat Kirkham editor New Haven ; London - Published for the Bard Graduate Center for studies in the Decorative Arts, New York by Yale University Press, ©2000 Testo Monografico Women imagine change - a global anthology of womens resistance from 600 B.C.E. to present / edited by Eugenia C. DeLamotte, Natania Meeker, and Jean F. O'Barr New York ; London - Routledge, 1997 Testo Monografico |