Philosophie grecque / sous la direction de Monique Canto-Sperber ; en collaboration avec Jonathan Barnes ... (ed altri)
Paris - PUF, 1998
Saggio Monografico
Die Philosophie in 14. und 15. Jahrhundert - in memoriam Konstanty Michalski (1879-1947) / mit Beitragen von J. Biard ... ed altri ; herausgegeben von Olaf Pluta
Amsterdam - Gruner, 1988
Saggio Monografico
Philosophie in der Geschichte ihres Begriffs / herausgegeben von Karlfried Grunder
Basel - Schwabe, c1990
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy & history - essays presented to Ernst Cassirer / edited by Raymond Klibansky and H. J. Paton
Oxford - at the Clarendon Press, 1936
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy and conceptual history of science in Taiwan / edited by Cheng-Hung Lin and Daiwie Fu
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer academic publishers, c1993
Saggio Monografico
The philosophy and history of molecular biology- new perspectives / edited by Sahotra Sarkar
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer academic publishers, c1996
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy and learning - universities in the Middle Ages / edited by Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen, J. H. Josef Schneider, Georg Wieland
Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 1995
Saggio Monografico
Vol. 6- Philosophy and science in the Middle Ages / co-editor Raymond Klibansky
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer, c1990
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy and the city - classic to contemporary writings / edited by Sharon M. Meagher
Albany - State University of New York press, c2008
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy in the Mid-Century / a survey edited by Raymond Klibansky ; International Institute of philosophy
Firenze - La nuova Italia
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy in the Mid-Century / a survey edited by Raymond Klibansky ....
Firenze - La nuova Italia, 1958- ..
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Philosophy of geohistory - 1785-1970 / edited by Claude C. Albritton
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania - Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, c1975
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The philosophy of history / edited by Patrick Gardiner
Oxford etc. - Oxford university, c1974, reprinted 1984
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy, history and social action - essays in honor of Lewis Feuer / edited by Sidney Hook, William L. O'Neill and Roger O'Toole ; with an autobiographical essay by Lewis Feuer
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer Academic publishers, c1988
Saggio Monografico
Philosophy, its history and historiography / edited by A. J. Holland
Dordrecht - Reidel, c1985
Saggio Monografico