Reaumur - morceaux choisis / presentes et annotes par Jean Torlais ; preface Maurice D'Ocagne
Paris - Gallimard, ?1939?
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Rebirth - a history of Europe since World War 2. / Cyril E. Black ... ed altri
Boulder etc. - Westview Press, 1992
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Rebirth of Britain - a symposium of essays by eighteen writers / Enoch Powell ... ed altri
London - Pan books in association with the Institute of economic affairs, 1964
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The rebirth of towns in the west A.D. 700-1050 - a review of current research into how, when, and why there was a rebirth of towns between 700 and 1050 / based upon papers presented to the Fourth Joint CBA/DUA International Conference on the Rebirth of Towns in the West, AD 700-1050, held at the Museum of London on 21-23 March 1986 ; edited by Richard Hodges and Brian Hobley
London - Council for British Archaeology, 1988
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Rebirth, reform and resilience - universities in transition - 1300-1700 / edited by James M. Kittelson and Pamela J. Transue
Columbus, OH
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Rebocco si racconta - storia, tradizioni e ricordi di un borgo e delle sue localita / a cura di Giovanni Bilotti
Roma - International Communications, (2007)
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Recasting German federalism - the legacies of unification / edited by Charlie Jeffery
London ; New York, c1999
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Recensioni e bibliografie
Roma - Societa nazionale per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 1931
Saggio Monografico
6- Recensioni, cronache e commenti / Gaetano De Sanctis
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Recent developments in germanic linguistics / edited by Rosina Lippi-Green
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 1992
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Recent developments in Hittite archaeology and history - papers in memory of Hans G. Guterbock / edited by K. Aslihan and Harry A. Hoffner ; with the assistance of Simrit Dhesi
Eisenbrauns - Winona Lake, 2002
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Recent developments in the study of business and economic history - essays in memory of Herman E. Krooss / Editor- Robert E. Gallman
Greenwich (CT) - Jai Press, c1977
Saggio Monografico
Recenti acquisizioni in patologia cardiovascolare / coordinatore Paolo Mirenda
(Torino) - Minerva medica, 1980
Saggio Monografico
The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne / edited by Gordon Kipling
Oxford - published for the Early English text society by the Oxford university press, 1990
Saggio Monografico