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Redefining American history painting / edited by Patricia M. Burnham, Lucretia Hoover Giese
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 1995
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Rediscovering forgotten radicals - British women writers, 1889-1939 / edited by Angela Ingram & Daphne Patai
Chapel Hill (etc.) - University of North Carolina press, c1993
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Rediscovering Russia in Asia - Siberia and the Russian Far East / edited by Stephen Kotkin and David Wolff
Armonk ; London - M. E. Sharpe, c1995
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Rediscovering the forgotten Vienna Circle - Austrian studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle / edited by Thomas E. Uebel
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1991
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Rediscovering the muses - women's musical traditions / edited by Kimberly Marshall
Boston - Northeastern University Press, 1993
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Reexamining the soviet experience - essays in honor of Alexander Dallin / edited by David Holloway and Norman Naimark
Boulder ; Oxford, 1996
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Reference guide to English literature / editor D. L. Kirkpatrick
Chicago, IL ; London - St. James press, c1991
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Reflections on the gulag - with a documentary appendix on the Italian victims of repression in the USSR / edited by Elena Dundovich, Francesca Gori and Emanuela Guercetti
Milano - Feltrinelli, 2003
Saggio Monografico
Reflexiones ante el neocapitalismo / (por) Angel Abad ... (ed altri) ; material fotografico de Pilar Villarrazo
Barcelona - Ediciones de cultura popular, 1968
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Reform and insurrection in Bourbon New Granada and Peru / edited by John R. Fisher, Allan J. Kuethe and Anthony McFarlane
Baton Rouge ; London, 1990
Saggio Monografico
Reform and revolution in twentieth century China / edited by Yu-ming Shaw
Taipei - Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, c1987
Saggio Monografico
Reform in modern Russia - progress or cycle? / edited and translated by Theodore Taranovski ; with the assistance of Peggy McInerny
Cambridge - Woodrow Wilson press center and Cambridge University press, 1995
Saggio Monografico
2- Reform, revolution and republic- the rise of modern Turkey, 1808-1975 / Stanford J. Shaw, Ezel Kural Shaw
Cambridge (etc. - Cambridge university press, 1977
Saggio Monografico
9- Die Reformation ; Der Frunhkapitalismus ; Die Renaissance
Bayreuth - Gondrom, 1981
Saggio Monografico