Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Storia (CEN-GIA)

Pagina nr. 1120
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300


Friedlander, Max Julius
Das deutsche Lied im 18. Jahrhundert - Quellen und Studien / von Max Friedlaender
Stuttgard und Berlin - Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1902
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Friedlander, Max Julius
Der Holzschnitt / Max J. Friedlander
Berlin - De Gruyter, 1970
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Friedlander, Paul
Rock & roll - a social history / Paul Friedlander ; with Peter Miller
Boulder (Co.) - Westview press, 2006
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Friedlander, Saul
Histoire et psychanalyse - essai sur les possibilites et les limites de la psychohistoire / Saul Friedlander
Paris - Editions du Seuil, 1975
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Friedlander, Saul
Hitler et les Etats-Unis - 1939-1941 / Saul Friedlander
Geneve - Droz, 1963
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Friedlander, Saul
Storia e psicoanalisi - saggio sulle possibilita ed i limiti della psicostoria / Saul Friedlander ; edizione italiana a cura del prof. Manuel Tejera
Roma - Il pensiero scientifico, 1977
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Friedman, Alice T.
House and Household in Elizabethan England - Wollaton Hall and the Willoughby Family / Alice T. Friedman
Chicago ; London, 1989
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Friedman, Alice T.
Women and the making of the modern house - a social and architectural history / Alice T. Friedman
New York - Abrams, 1998
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Friedman, Barton R.
Fabricating history - English writers on the French Revolution / Barton R. Friedman
Princeton - Princeton University Press, copyr. 1988
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Friedman, David
The Misunderstood miracle - industrial development and political change in Japan / David Friedman
Ithaca etc. - Cornell University press, 1988
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Friedman, Jerome
Blasphemy, immorality and anarchy - the Ranters and the english revolution / Jerome Friedman
Athens, Ohio
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Friedman, John Block
The monstrous races in medieval art and thought / John Block Friedman
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, 1981
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Friedman, Lawrence M.
American law in the 20th century / Lawrence M. Friedman
New Haven, London - Yale University Press, 2002
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Friedman, Lawrence M.
Crime and punishment in American history / Lawrence M. Friedman
New York - Basic Books, c1993
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Friedman, Lawrence M.
A history of American law / Lawrence M. Friedman
New York - Simon and Schuster, c1973
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