Lewis, Bernard(1916- )
The Middle East and the West / Bernard Lewis
Bloomington - Indiana University press, 1964
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Lewis, Bernard(1916- )
Race and slavery in the Middle East - an historical enquiry / Bernard Lewis
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university, 1990
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Lewis, Brenda Ralph
Il primo libro della storia / (Testi di Brenda Ralph Lewis)
(Milano) - Vallardi, 1979
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Lewis, C. S.
3- English literature in the sixteenth century- excluding drama / by C. S. Lewis
Oxford - At the Clarendon Press, 1954
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Lewis, C. S.
An experiment in criticism / by C. S. Lewis
Cambridge (etc. - University press, 1961
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Lewis, David Levering
W. E. B. Du Bois - biography of a race, 1868-1919 / David Levering Lewis
New York - Henry Holt, 1993
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Lewis, David Malcolm
Selected papers in Greek and Near Eastern history / David M. Lewis ; edited by P.J. Rhodes
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, c1997
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Lewis, Dominic Bevan Wyndham
Carlo quinto / D. B. Wyndham Lewis ; traduzione dall'inglese di Antonio Cettuzzi
Milano - Dall'Oglio, stampa 1959
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Lewis, Geoffrey
La Turquie - Le declin de l'Empire, les reformes d'Ataturk, la Republique moderne / Geoffrey Lewis
Verviers - Gerard & c., c1968
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Lewis, Gordon K.
Puerto Rico - colonialismo y revolucion - ensayo sobre la dominacion norteamericana y la resistencia caribeana / Gordon K. Lewis
Mexico - Era, 1977
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Lewis, Jane
The voluntary sector, the state and social work in Britain - the Charity Organisation Society/Family Welfare Association since 1869 / Jane Lewis
Aldershot ; Brookfield, c1995
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Lewis, John
The 20. century book - its illustration and design / John Lewis
London - The Herbert press, copyr. 1984
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Lewis, John
The Left book club - an historical record / by John Lewis ; with a foreword by Dame Margaret Cole
London - V. Gollancz, 1970
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Lewis, Jon E.
Alla conquista delle grandi praterie - la frontiera che divenne leggenda / Jon E. Lewis
Casale Monferrato - Piemme, 1998
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Lewis, Naphtali
The fifth century B.C. / Naphtali Lewis
Toronto - A. M. Hakkert, 1971
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