Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Storia (PAT-Z)

Pagina nr. 484
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600


Rogers, Andrew D.
Rapporto sullo spionaggio - (dal 2500 a. C. a oggi) / Andrew D. Rogers
Roma - Edizioni moderne, 1959
Saggio Monografico

Rogers, Clifford J.
Essays on medieval military history - strategy, military revolutions and the hundred years war / Clifford J. Rogers
Farnham - Ashgate, c2010
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Rogers, Elizabeth Barlow
Landscape design - a cultural and architectural history / Elizabeth Barlow Rogers
New York - H. N. Abrams, 2001
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Rogers, Everett M.
Silicon valley fever - growth of high - technology culture / Everett M. Rogers, Judith K. Larsen
New York - Basic books, c1984
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Rogers, Fred B.
A syllabus of medical history / by Fred B. Rogers
Boston - Little, Brown and Co., 1962
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Rogers, Hugh Cuthbert Basset
Troopships and their history / by H. C. B. Rogers
London - Seeley Service & Co., c1963
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Rogers, J. A.
Worlds great men of color / J. A. Rogers ; edited with an introduction, commentary, and bibliographical notes by John Henrik Clarke
New York (etc.) - Touchstone
Saggio Monografico

Rogers, James E. Thorold
A history of agriculture and prices in England - from the year after the Oxford parliament (1259) to the commencement of the continental war (1793), compiled entirely from original and contemporaneous records / by James E. Thorold Rogers
Oxford - Clarendon Press
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Rogers, James E. Thorold
Interpretation economique de l'histoire / par James E. Thorold Rogers ; traduction et introduction par E. Castelot
Paris - Guillaumin et C., 1892
Saggio Monografico

Rogers, James T.
Giovane matematica - storia della matematica dal conto sulle dita al cervello elettronico / James T. Rogers
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1968
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Rogers, Leonard Robert
Relief sculpture / L. R. Rogers
London etc. - Oxford University Press, 1974
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Rogers, Pat
An outline of English literature / edited by Pat Rogers
Oxford ; New York - Oxford University Press, 1998
Saggio Monografico

Rogers, Pat
The text of Great Britain - theme and design in Defoe's Tour / Pat Rogers
Newark - University of Delaware press ; London - Associated university presses, c1998
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Rogers, Randall
Latin siege warfare in the twelfth century / R. Rogers
Oxford (etc.) - Clarendon press, Oxford, c1992
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Rogers, Richard (1933- )
Architecture - a modern view / Richard Rogers
London - Thames and Hudson, copyr 1990
Saggio Monografico

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