Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Televisione

Pagina nr. 697 di 733       

Sturley, K. R.
2- Audio frequency amplifiers television and frequency modulated receiver design / by K. R. Sturley - 3. impression
London - Chapman & Hall, 1949
Incluso in > Radio receiver design / by K. R. Sturley
Testo Monografico

Sturley, K. R.
Sound and television broadcasting - general principles / K. R. Sturley
London - Iliffe books, c1961
Testo Monografico

Sturley, Kenneth Reginald
Sound and television broadcasting - general principles / K. R. Sturley
London - Iliffe, 1961
Testo Monografico

Sturm, Hertha
Information processing by young children - Piaget's theory of intellectual development applied to radio and television / Hertha Sturm and Sabine Jorg
Munchen ecc. - Saur, 1981
Testo Monografico

Sultan, Josette
La television a la porte de l'ecole - enquete nationale de l'Institut national de la recherche pedagogique, 1977-1980 / Josette Sultan, Jean-Paul Satre
Paris - La Documentation francaise, c1981
Testo Monografico

Suppé, Franz - von
Ouvertures / Franz Suppe ; violoncello solo- Victor Simon ; Orchestre Symphonique de la Radio et Television de l'URSS sous la direction de Guennadi Rojdestvenski
(France) - Chant Du Monde ; (URSS) - Melodia, (dopo il 1956)
Registrazione audio

Sutherland, Neil
Growing up - chidhood in english Canada from the great war to the age of television / Neil Sutherland
Toronto - Univerisity of Toronto press, 1997
Testo Monografico

Svennevig, Michael
Television across the years - the British publics view / Michael Svennevig
Luton - University of Luton press, c1998
Testo Monografico

Swift, John
Adventure in vision - the first twenty-five years of television / John Swift
London - J. Lehmann, 1950
Testo Monografico

Swiss Film Center
Swiss films - this catalogue is a compendium of new Swiss films produced both for cinema and for television in 1998/99 / a joint publication of the Swiss Film Center and the Swiss Short Film Agency
Zurich - Swiss Film Center, 1999
Testo Monografico

Sy, Oumou
Oumou Sy, profession costumičre / par Alessandra Speciale
Incluso in > Ecrans d'Afrique - revue Panafricaine de cinema, television et video
Testo a stampa

Symposium sur le droit cinematographique et des medias (12. ; Munich)
La coproducion Europeenne de cinema et de television - deuxieme symposium de Munich sur le droit cinematographique et des medias / Jurgen Becker, Manfred Rehbinder ed
Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1990
Testo Monografico

Symposium zum Film- und Medienrecht (2. ; 1989 ; Munchen)
Europen coproduction in film and television - second Munich Symposium on film and media law / Jurgen Becker, Manfred Rehbinder (ed.)
Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1989
Testo Monografico

Szemadám, György
Jankovics Marcell - rajzfilmrendezo / írta Szemadám György
Budapest - Corvina, ©1987
Testo Monografico

Szokoll, Manfredo
Televisione - Canzone one-step. (segue. ) Mia piccina. Canzone. Versi di Ugo Di Leo. (per orchestrina)
Palermo - G. Di Bella, 1933 (Lit.)
Musica (stampa)