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It's a part of > Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean .. Monographic text New York - American Book Exchange, 1879 It's a part of > Chambers's cyclopaedia of English literature... (etc.) / originally edited by Robert Chambers Monographic text New York - American Book Exchange, 1881 It's a part of > Library of universal knowledge - being a reprint entire of the last (1879) Edimburgh and London edition of Chambers enclycopedia, A Dictionary of universal knowledge foe the people (... Monographic text Elizabeth (N.J.) - Augustine Wirth, (1890? It's a part of > New and old (sermons) - a monthly repertory of Catholic pulpit eloquence embracing two sermons for each Sunday and holy-day of obligation of the ecclesiastical year / edited, (in conjunction with man... Monographic text Boston - Houghton, ©1892 It's a part of > The English and Scottish popular ballads / edited by Francis James Child Monographic text New York - Johnson Reprint Corp. ; London - Minerva ; Frankfurt a M. - Minerva, 1964 It's a part of > Joannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia / Ediderunt Guilielmus Baum, Eduardus Cunitz, Eduardus Reuss Monographic text New York ; London - Johnson reprint, 1971 It's a part of > Archiv fur soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik Monographic text 8 - Rist. anast New York - Johnson Reprint, 1965 It's a part of > The Camden miscellany Monographic text 8 / ... Gaston Raynaud New York ; London - Johnson Reprint Co., 1966 It's a part of > Oeuvres completes de Eustache Deschamps / publiees d'apres le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Nationale par le Marquis de Saint-Hilaire, e par Gaston Raynaud Monographic text 8 / Alexander Hamilton New York ; London - Putnam's sons, 1886 It's a part of > The works of Alexander Hamilton / edited by Henry Cabot Lodge Monographic text 8 / by George Bancroft Boston - Little, Brown and C., 1864 It's a part of > History of the United States - from the discovery of the American continent / by George Bancroft Monographic text 8 / by George Grote New York - Harper & brothers, 1859 It's a part of > History of Greece / by George Grote Monographic text 8 / by his grandson Charles Francis Adams Boston - Little Brown, 1853 It's a part of > The works of John Adams, second president of the United States - with a life of the author, notes and illustrations / by his grandson Charles Francis Adams Monographic text 8 / edited by Justin Winson Boston ; new York - Houghton, Mifflin, c1889 It's a part of > Narrative and critical history of America / edited by Justin Winsor Monographic text 8 / publies pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits autographes de la Bibliotheque du Louvre pour la Societe de l'histoire de France par E. J. B. Rathery New York - Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968 It's a part of > Journal et memoires du marquis d'Argenson / publies pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits autographes de la Bibliotheque du Louvre pour la Societe de l'histoire de France, par E. J. B. Rathery... Monographic text |