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The American iron trade in 1876 - Politically, historically, and statistically considered / James M. Swank Philadelphia - The American iron and steel association, 1876 Monographic text Swank, James M. History of the manufacture of iron in all ages, and particularity in the United States for three hundred years, from 1585 to 1885 / by James M. Swank Philadelphia - Allen, Lane & Scott, 1884 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom / Emanuel Swedenborg New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1885 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Christiana religio continens universam theologiam novae ecclesiae quae per "novam hierosolymam" in apocalypsi intelligitur - canones novae ecclesiae seu integra theologia novae ecclesiae / opus postumum Emanuelis Swedenborgii New York - american Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Continuatio de ultimo judicio et de mundo spirituali / opusculum Emanuelis Swdenborg New York - american Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Coronis seu appendix ad veram christianam religionem in qua agitur... - tum quoque invitatio ad novam ecclesiam / opus posthuma Emanuelis Swedenborgii New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel De nova hierosolyma et ejus doctrina caelesti - ex auditis e caelo - quibus praemittitur aliquid de "novo caelo et nova terra" / opus Emanuelis Swedenborg New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel De ultimo judicio et de Babylonia destructa - ita quod omnia quae in apocalypsi praedicta sunt hodie impleta sint - ex auditis et visis / opusculum Emanuelis Swedenborg New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Deliciae sapientiae de amore conjugiali - post quas sequuntur voluptates insaniae de amore scortatorio / ab Emanuele Swedenborg New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing company, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Doctrina novae hierosolymae de charitate / opus posthumum Emanuelis Swedenborgii New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Doctrina novae Hierosolymae de Domino / opus Emanuelis Swedenborg New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Doctrina novae hierosolymae de fide / Emanuelis Swedenborg New York - american Swedenbor printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Doctrina novae hierosolymae de scriptura sacra / Emanuelis Swedenborg New York - american Swednborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Doctrina vitae pro nova hierosolymae ex praeceptis decalogi / opus Emanuelis Swedenborg New York - American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text Swedenborg, Emanuel Indices rerum in opere desiderato - sapientia angelica de conjugio / opuscula postuma Emanuelis Swedenborgii New York - american Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1889 Monographic text |