Page no. 78 of 1913 |
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The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 199. It's a part of > William Makepeace Thackeray - a biography including hitherto uncollected letters & speeches & a bibliography of 1300 items / by Lewis Saul Benjamin Monographic text 2 / Liberty Hyde Bailey New York - The MacMillan Company, 1910 It's a part of > Cyclopedia of American Horticulture Monographic text 2 / Luigi Amedeo of Savoy duke of the Abruzzi New York - Dodd, Mead & Co. ; London - Hutchinson & Co., 1903 It's a part of > On the polar star in the arctic sea / Luigi Amedeo of Savoy duke of the Abruzzi ; traslated by William Le Queux Monographic text 2 / par E. Jordan New York - Franklin, 1960 It's a part of > ?Les ?origines de la domination angevine en Italie Monographic text 2 / par Jules Gay New York - B. Franklin, 1960 It's a part of > ?L'?Italie meridionale et l'empire byzantin depuis l'avenement de Basile 1. jusqu'a la prise de Bari par les Normands (867-1071) / par Jules Gay Monographic text 2 / par Thomas New York - Johnson reprint, 1968 It's a part of > ?Le ?roman de Tristan - poeme du 12. siecle / par Thomas ; publie par Joseph Bedier Monographic text 2 / Petronius Arbiter New York - Boni & Liveright, 1922 (for private circulation only) It's a part of > The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter - complete and unexpurgated translation / by W. C. Firebaugh, in which are incorporated the forgeries of Nodot and Marchena, and the readings introduced into the ... Monographic text 2 / Plato New York - Arno Press, 1976 It's a part of > The laws / Plato ; the text edited with introduction and notes by E. B. England Monographic text 2 / por Aurelio M. Espinosa Stanford - Stanford University, 1924 It's a part of > Cuentos populares espanoles recogidos de la tradicion oral de Espana / por Aurelio M. Espinosa Monographic text 2 / por Conrado Haebler New York - B. Franklin, 1963 It's a part of > Bibliografia iberica del siglo 15. - Enumeracion de todos los libros impresos en Espana y Portugal hasta el ano de 1500 / con notas criticas por Conrado Haebler Monographic text 2 / por Leon Felipe New York - Instituto de la Espanas, 1930 It's a part of > Versos y oraciones de caminante / por Leon Felipe Monographic text 2 / prepared by a staff of automobile experts, ... (and others Chicago - American Technical Society, 1919 It's a part of > Automobile engineering - a general reference work for repair men, chauffeurs, and owners ... / prepared by a staff of automobile experts, ... (et al. Monographic text 2 / prepared under the auspices of the International research council and the National academy of sciences by the National research council of the United States of America New York ; London - published for the National research council by the McGraw-Hill book co., 1927 It's a part of > International critical tables of numerical data, physics, chemistry and technology / prepared under the auspices of the International research council and the National academy of sciences by the Nati... Monographic text 2 / publie par Emile Picot New York ; London - Johnson Reprint, 1968 It's a part of > Recueil general des sotties / publie par Emile Picot Monographic text 2 / publiee par A. Wallenskold New York - Johnson Reprint, 1968 It's a part of > Florence de Rome - chanson d'aventure du premier quart du 13. siecle / publiee par A. Wallenskold Monographic text |