Page no. 167 of 1913 |
New York - Chemical catalog co., 1928 It's a part of > Colloid chemistry - theoretical and applied / by selected international contributors ; collected and edited by Jerome Alexander Monographic text Biometrical studies in pathology. 1, The *quantitative relations of certain viscera in tubercolosis / by Raymond Pearl and Agnes Latimer Bacon Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins Press, 1922 It's a part of > Johns Hopkins hospital reports Monographic text 3.- Birds and poets / John Burroughs Boston - Houghton Mifflin, 1904 It's a part of > The writings of John Burroughs Monographic text Birth control - facts and responsabilities - a symposium dealing with this important subject from a number of angles / edited by Adolf Meyer Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins, 1925 Monographic text 1 - Bismarck's relations with England - 1871-1890 New York and London - Harper & Brothers publishers, 1928 It's a part of > German diplomatic documents - 1871-1914 / selected and translated by E.T.S. Dugdale ; with a preface by James W. Gerard and an introduction by J.W. Headlam-Morley Monographic text Bjulleten' oppozicii (bol'ševikov-lenincev) / pod redakciej L. Trockogo New York - Monad press, 1973 Monographic text 4- The Black Dwarf ; and A Legend of Montrose / by sir Walter Scott New York - Peter Fenelon Collier & Son, 1900 It's a part of > The Waverley novels / by sir Walter Scott Monographic text 2.1- Blackfriars records New York - AMS, 1985 It's a part of > Collections Monographic text Vol. 3- Blocks of buildings, schools and immigration It's a part of > Life and labour of the people in London / by Charles Booth Monographic text Blues - the magazine of new rhythms - v. 1(n.1-6), v. 2(n.7-9), 1929-1930 New York ; London - Johnson reprint corporation, stampa 1967 Monographic text Bohemia under Hapsburg misrule - a study of Ideals and Aspirations of the Bohemian and Slovak Peoples, as they relate to and are affected by the great War / edited by Thomas Capek New York (etc.) - Fleming H. Revell,, 1915 Monographic text Boletin de la oficina sanitaria Panamericana Washington (DC) - Oficina sanitaria Panamericana, 1923-1996 Magazine Bollettino del commercio - giornale settimanale degli interessi commerciali fra l'Italia e l'America New York - (s.n. , 1885- Magazine Bollettino del Nevada Reno - J. Granata Magazine Bollettino della emigrazione - effemeride settimanale New York - (s.n. , 1888- Magazine |