Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 274 of 1913       

In onore del prof. Giuseppe Rosa - 12 ottobre 1907, New York
New York - tip. Alessandrina, 1907?
Monographic text

In zikh - a zamlung introspektive lider / M. Afranel ... (and others) ; (a cura di) Yacob Glatstein
New York - M.N. Meyzel Farlag, 1920
Monographic text

Inco magazine / International nickel company
New York - International nickel company, 1920-

The Independent - a weekly magazine
New York - s.n., s.d

4- Index
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1915
It's a part of > Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington, commander in chief of the continental army with the officers / prepared from the original manuscripts in the Library of Congress by John C. Fitzpa...
Monographic text

Index 1911-1921 - transactions of the American Institute of electrical engineers
New York - American Institute of electrical engineers, ©1925
It's a part of > Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Monographic text

Index 3. to the literature of american economic entomology - January 1, 1920 to December 31, 1924 / compiled by Mabel Colcord ; edited by E. Porter Felt
Melrose Hoghlands - American association of economic entomologists, 1925
Monographic text

Index 4. to the literature of american economic entomology - January 1, 1925 to December 31, 1929 / compiled by Mabel Colcord ; edited by E. Porter Felt
Melrose Highlands - American association of economic entomologists, 1930
Monographic text

Index catalogue of the library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army - Authors and Subjects
Washington - Governent Printing Office, 1880-1932

Index medicus
New York - s.n. , 1879-

Index medicus - a monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world / Carnegie Institution of Washington

Index of archeological papers, 1665-1890
New York - Franklin, 1965
Monographic text

Index of names and places to volumes 1.-7
Washington - The Carnegie institution of Washington, 1916
It's a part of > The vulgate version of The Arthurian romances / edited from manuscripts in the British Museum by H. Oskar Sommer
Monographic text

6- Index rerum - index locorum scripturae sacrae - tabellae quorundum verborum..
New York - american Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1900
It's a part of > Apocalypsis explicata secundum sensum spiritualem - ubi revelantur arcana quae ibi praedicta et hactenus recondita fuerunt - opus posthumum /Emanuelis Swedenborgii
Monographic text

An index to facsimiles in the Palaeographical Society Publications - arranged as a guide for students in palaeography / by Lindey Richard Dean
Princeton N. J. - The University Library, 1914
Monographic text

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