Page no. 593 of 1913 |
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A revision of the king snakes- genus Lampropeltis / by Frank N. Blanchard Washington - Government printing office, 1921 It's a part of > Bulletin of the United States National museum / Department of the Interior, U. S. National Museum ; published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution Monographic text Blanchard, Kenneth C. The preserving effect of alkali on the blood cells of Limulus / by Kenneth C. Blanchard (The place of publication is not referred s.n., 1924?) Monographic text Blanchard, William Oscar The geography of southwestern Wisconsin / by W. O. Blanchard Madison - Pub. by the State Monographic text Blancherd, Clarence J. The wonderful agricultural development since the dawn of irrigation - (The spirit of the west) Washington - Tip. Judd & Detweiler, 1910 Monographic text Blanchet, Leon Campanella / (pref. di L. Brunschvicg) Monographic text Blanchet, Leon Campanella / par Leon Blanchet New York - Franklin, 1964 Monographic text Bland, John Otway Percy China, Japan and Korea / by J.O.P. Bland London- Heinemann, 1921 Monographic text Bland, M. C. Handbook of steel erection / by M. C. Bland New York ; London - McGraw-Hill, 1923 Monographic text Blanshard, Paul An outline of the British labor movement / by Paul Blanshard ; with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson New York - George H. Doran company, 1923 Monographic text Blanton, Wyndham Bolling A manual of normal physical signs / Wyndham Bolling Blanton St. Louis - C. V. Mosby, 1926 Monographic text Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente Blood and sand- a novel / by Vicente Blasco Ibanez ; translated from the spanish by Mrs. W. A. Gillespie New York - E. P. Dutton & Company, (1919) Monographic text Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente The four horsemen of the Apocalypse / from the Spanish of Vicente Blasco Ibanez ; authorized translation by Charlotte Brewster Jordan New York - A. L. Burt, c1918 Monographic text Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente Mexico in revolution / by V. Blasco Ibanez ; translated by Arthur Livingston and Jose Padin New York - Dutton & Company, c 1920 Monographic text Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente Sonnica / by Vicente Blasco Ibanez ; translated from the spanish by Frances Douglas New York - Duffield & Company, 1919 Monographic text Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente Woman triumphant / by Vicente Blasco Ibanez ; translated from the spanish by Hayward Keniston New York - E. P. Dutton & Company, (1920) Monographic text |