Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 607 of 1913       

Borchard, Edwin M.
The declaratory judgment - brief / By Edwin M. Borchard
Washington - Government printing office, 1919
Monographic text

Borchard, Edwin M.
Guide to the law and legal literature of Germany / by Edwin M. Borchard
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1912
Monographic text

Borchard, Edwin Montefiore
The diplomatic protection of citizens abroad or the law of international claims / by Edwin M. Borchard
New York - The Banks Law, 1915
Monographic text

Borden, Lucille
Gentlemen Riches / by Lucille Borden
New York - Macmillan, 1925
Monographic text

Bordwell, Percy
The law of war between belligerents - a history and commentary / by Percy Bordwell
Chicago - Callagan & Co., 1908
Monographic text

Boreham, Frank William
A bunch of everlastings or texts that made history - a volume of sermons / F. W. Boreham
New York - The Abingdon Press, (1924
Monographic text

Borel, Émile Félix Édouard Justin (1871-1956)
Molecular theories and mathematics / by Emile Borel
Washington - Government printing office, 1913
Monographic text

Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio
Rube / by G. A. Borgese ; authorized translation by Isaac Goldberg
New York - Harcourt, Brace and company, c1923
Monographic text

Borghi, Armando
Gli anarchici e le alleanze - conferenza con libero contraddittorio tenuta la sera del 12 gennaio 1927 alla Rand School New York sotto gli auspici dei gruppi Volontà e South Brooklin / Armando Borghi ; con appendice di Luigi Fabbri
(New York) - edito a cura del Circolo operaio di cultura sociale di New York, (1927)
Monographic text

Borghi, Armando
Il banchetto dei cancri / Armando Borghi
Brooklyn - Libreria editrice Lavoratori industriali del mondo, 1925
Monographic text

Borghi, Armando
Mischia sociale - da alla Cooper Union / Armando Borghi ; introduzione di Errico Malatesta
Brooklyn, N.Y. - Edizioni sociali, 1930
Monographic text

Borghi, Armando
Mussolini in camicia / Armando Borghi
New York - Edizioni Libertarie, 1927
Monographic text

Borgia Sterk, Francis
Glories of the Franciscan Order / Francis Borgia Steck
Chicago - Franciscan Herald Press, 1926
Monographic text

Boring, Edwin G.
A history of experimental psychology / Edwin G. Boring
New York - Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1929
Monographic text

Borkowski, Aurelius L.
De confraternitatibus ecclesiasticis - dissertatio / Aurelius L. Borkowski
Whashingtonii - Universitas Catholica Americae, 1918
Monographic text

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