Page no. 700 of 1913 |
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1- From the early times to the renascence / by Louis Cazamian New York - Macmillan company, 1930 It's a part of > The development of english humor / by Louis Cazamian Monographic text Cebotarevskaja, Anastasija O Fedore Sologube - kritika - stat'i i zametki / sostavleno Anas. Cebotarevskoj , Ann Arbor - Ardis,_stampa 1983 Monographic text Cecil, Algernon British foreign secretaries, 1807-1916 - studies in personality and policy / by Algernon Cecil New York - G. P. Putnam's sons, 1927 Monographic text Cecil, Hugh Richard Heathcote Conservatism / by Lord Hugh Cecil New York - H. Holt ; London - Williams and Norgate, stampa 1919 Monographic text Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571) The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini / translated by J. Addington Symonds ; with introduction, notes and illustrations New York - P. F. Collier, (1910 Monographic text Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571) The life of Benvenuto Cellini / Benvenuto Cellini ; newly translated into english by John Addington Symonds New York ; London - C. Scribner's Sons - Macmillan and Co., 1908 Monographic text Celms, Teodors Der phanomenologische Idealismus Husserls / Theodor Celms New York - Garland, 1979 Monographic text Cennerazzo, Armando 'A cirinara - monologo drammatico siciliano / Armando Cennerazzo New York - V. Foti, c1924 Monographic text Cennerazzo, Armando Odio e vendetta - scene napoletane in un atto / dell'attore Armando Cenerazzo New York - The commercial printing Co., 1914 Monographic text Certon, Pierre (ca.1510-1572) Messes a quatre voix - Sus le pont d'Avignon, Adiuva me, Regnum mundi / Pierre Certon New York - Broude, (1952?) It's a part of > Monuments de la musique francaise au temps de la Renaissance Music Cerulli, Enrico The folk-literature of the Galla of southern Abyssinia / Enrico Cerulli Cambridge (Mass.) - Peobody museum of Harvard university, (1919?) Monographic text Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel - de Don Quixote of the Mancha - the first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight / by Miguel de Cervantes ; translated by Thomas Shelton ; with introductions, notes and illustrations New York - Collier, c1909 Monographic text Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel - de The first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight Don Quixote of the Mancha / by Miguel de Cervantes ; translated by Thomas Shelton ; with introductions, notes and illustrations New York - P. F. Collier, c1909 Monographic text Cesàro, Ernesto (1859-1906) Vorlesungen uber naturliche geometrie / Ernesto Cesaro New York ; London - Johnson reprint, 1968 Monographic text Chaboseau, A. De Babeuf a la Commune / par A. Chaboseau New York - Burt Franklin, 1970 Monographic text |