Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1900-1930

Page no. 714 of 1913       

Child, Charles Manning
Senescence and rejuvenescence / by Charles Manning Child
Chicago ; Illinois - The University of Chicago Press, c1915
Monographic text

Child, Clarence G.
Palatal diphthongization of stem vowels in the Old English dialects / by Clarence G. Child
Philadelphia - Ginn, 1903
Monographic text

Child, J. M.
The geometrical lectures of Isaac Barrow / J. M. Child
Chicago - The Open Court Publishing Company, 1916
Monographic text

Childe Dorr, Rheta
Drink - coercion or control? / by Rheta Childe Dorr
New York - F. A. Stokes company, 1929
Monographic text

Children's Aid Society
L' opera benefica della Children's Aid Society di New York
New York - Bollettino della Sera, 1906
Monographic text

Children's welfare federation - Committee on vocational guidance
Vocational guidance and placement work for juniors in New York city
New York - Children's welfare federation, 1923
Monographic text

Childs, Frank Hall
Principles of law of personal property - chattels and choses / by Frank Hall Childs
Chicago - Callaghan, 1914
Monographic text

Childs, Harwood L.
Labor and capital in national politics / Harwood Lawrence Childs
Columbus - Ohio State University, 1930
Monographic text

Childs, James Bennett
Sixteenth century books - a bibliography of literature describing books printed between 1501 and 1601 / by James Bennet Childs
Chicago - (s.n.), 1925
Monographic text

Chilton, Eleanor Carroll
The garment of praise - the necessity for poetry / Eleanor Carroll Chilton, Herbert Agar
New York - Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1929
Monographic text

Chiminelli, Piero
The Baptiste in Italy - Their history and work
Nashville; Tennessee - Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1923
Monographic text

Chinard, Gilbert
Volney et l'Amerique - d'apres des documents inedites et sa correspondance avec Jefferson / par Gilbert Chinard
New York ; London - Johnson reprint corporation, 1973
Monographic text

Chiozza Money, Leo
The future of work and other essays / by L. G. Chiozza Money
London - Fisher Unwin, 1914
Monographic text

Chipman, Frank E.
3 - 1898-1908 / by Frank E. Chipman
Boston . Boston Book Company, 1919
It's a part of > An Index to legal periodical literature / by Leonard A. Jones
Monographic text

Chipman, Frank E.
4 - 1908-1922 / by Frank E. Chipman
Boston . Chipman law Publ., 1924
It's a part of > An Index to legal periodical literature / by Leonard A. Jones
Monographic text

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