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(The place of publication is not referred) - Cooper ornithological club Magazine The Cone collection of Baltimore, Maryland - catalogue of paintings, drawings, sculpture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / with a foreword by George Boas Baltimore - Etta Cone, ©1934 Monographic text Conference internationale du travail / Societe des Nations Washington - Imprimerie du Gouvernement, 1920- Magazine Conference on children in a democracy - papers and discussions at the initial session - held in Washington, D.C. April 26, 1939 / United States Department of Labor, Children's Bureau Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1940 Monographic text Conference on chilòdren in a Democracy - papers and discussions at the initial session,Held in Washington, April 26, 1939 Washington - United States Government, 1939 Monographic text Conferencias internacionales americanas - 1889-1936, recopilacion de los tratados, convenciones ... adoptadas por las siete primeras conferencias internacionales americanas, la conferencia internacional americana de conciliacion y arbitraje ... / Prefacio por Leo S. Rowe ; introduccion por James Brown Scott Washington - Dotacion Carnegie para la paz internacional, 1938 Monographic text Conflict of laws - reprinted from volume 11 am. jur New York - Lawyers cooperative publishing company, 1937 It's a part of > American jurisprudence - a modern comprehensive text statement of american law - state and federal Monographic text Congress of arts and science / Universal Exposition Saint Louis 1(1905)- Magazine Congressional digest - an indipendent monthly featuring controversies in congress.. Washington DC - congressional digest co Magazine The connoisseur Philadelphia - (s.n.) Magazine Conservation bulletin Washington, DC - United States government printing office Magazine 1.- Constitution / by Samuel Epstein It's a part of > The alloys of iron and carbon Monographic text The constitution and properties of lapachol, lomatiol, and other hydroxynaphthoquinone derivatives - memorial volume to Samuel C. Hooker, 1864-1935 / edited by Louis F. Fieser Easton - Mack, 1936 Monographic text the constitution of the United States - addresses in commemoration of the sesquicentennial of its signing 17 September 1787 Washington - Herbert Wright, 1938 Monographic text 16- ( Constitutional law, 6) Brooklyn, N.Y. - American law book, c1939 It's a part of > Corpus juris secundum - a complete restatement of the entire American law as developed by all reported cases / by William Mack and Donald J. Kiser ; assisted by the combined editorial staffs of the A... Monographic text |