Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 381 of 1849       

New York - Mc Graw-Hill, 1882-

New York - s.n.

Power engineering
Vol.54, n.5(may 1950)-

Power generation including Power plant engineering
Vol. 52, n. 1 (jan. 1948)-vol.54, apr. 1950

Power goes to work - an introduction to the transmission of power
Detroit - General Motors Corporation, c1945
Monographic text

3- The powers and duties of corporate management / edited by Edmond N. Cahn
New York - New York University school of law, 1950
It's a part of > Social meaning of legal concepts / edited by Edmond N. Cahn
Monographic text

The practical cogitator, or The thinker's anthology / selected and edited by Charles P. Curtis, Jr. (and Ferris Greenslet
Boston - Houghton Mifflin Company, 1945
Monographic text

Practical emulsions / by H. Bennett
Brooklin, N. Y. - Chimical Publishing
Monographic text

Practical physics / by Marsh W. White, Kenneth V. Manning, Robert L. Weber, R. Orin Cornett and others on the physics extension staff ; prepared under the direction of the division of arts and science extension the Pennsylvania state college
New York ; London - McGraw-Hill, 1943
Monographic text

Pragmatism and American culture / edited with an introduction by Gail Kennedy
Boston - Heath and co., c1950
Monographic text

Prayer book - abriged for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States
New York - National Jewish welfare board, c1943
Monographic text

Prayer book - New year and Day of atonement - abriged for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States
New York - National Jewish Welfare Board, c1943
Monographic text

Prayer book new year and day of atonement abridged for jews in the armed forces of the United States
New York - National jewish welfare board, c1943
Monographic text

The pre-election polls of 1948 - report to the Committee on analysis of pre-election polls and forecasts / by Frederick Mosteller ... (and others)
New York - Social science research council, 1949
It's a part of > Bulletin / Social Science Research Council
Monographic text

Pre-selection scenes in Vienna
New York - The New York Times photos, 1949
Graphic document

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