Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 388 of 1849       

Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences
San Francisco - California Academy, 1873-

Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences
San Francisco - California Academy, 1907-2010

Proceedings of the Casualty actuarial society
New York - Casualty actuarial society

Proceedings of the conference on Africa new perspectives / auspices of the Council on african affairs at the Institutte for international democracy - New York, april 14, 1944
New York - Council on african affairs, (1944?
Monographic text

Proceedings of the dominican educational meeting of the Province of St. Joseph held at Providence College ..
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n. , imprim. 1948
Monographic text

Proceedings of the federal inter-agency sedimentation conference - held at bureau of reclamation laboratories, Denver, may 6-8, 1947, by the following agencies represented on the subcommittee on sedimentation, federal inter-agency river basin committee
Washington - U. S. department of the interior, bureau of reclamation, 1948
Monographic text

Proceedings of the Fifth Plains Conference for Archeology / assembled by John L. Champe
Lincoln - Univ. press, 1949
Monographic text

Proceedings of the forty-second annual conference on taxation - 1949 - held under the auspices of the National tax association at Boston, Massachusetts, September 19-22, 1949 ; and minutes of the annual meeting of the members of the National tax association, held September 22, 1949 / edited by Ronald B. Welch
Sacramento (Ca) - National tax association, 1950
Monographic text

Proceedings of the geological society of America for ...
New York - Geological society of America, 1934-1941

Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science
Bloomington (Indiana) - Indiana Academy of science

Proceedings of the Institute of International relations
Los Angeles - s.n. , 1926-

Proceedings of the Institute of radio engineers
New York - The Institute of radio engineers, 1913-1962

Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers / IRE
New York (N.Y.), 1913-

Proceedings of the Iowa academy of science
1(1887)- 94, 1987

Proceedings of the Launching of the Velero 4
San Diego - (s.n. , 1948
Monographic text

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