Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1128 of 1849       

Johnson, Gerald White (1890- )
An honorable Titan - a biographical study of Adolph S. Ochs
New York ; London - Harper, 1946
Monographic text

Johnson, Gerald White (1890- )
Liberal's progress
New York - Coward-McCann, 1948
Monographic text

Johnson, Gerald White (1890- )
Our English heritage / Gerald W. Johnson
Philadelphia and New York - Lippincott, 1949
Monographic text

Johnson, Harold S. (Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Air Force Base)
Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of the lateral control characteristics of an unswept untapered semispan wing of aspect ratio 3.13 equipped with various 25-percent-chord plain ailerons / by Harold S. Johnson and John R. Hagerman
Washington - NACA, 1950
Monographic text

Johnson, Hewlett (rev.)
Il potere sovietico - compendio illustrato in lingua italiana / Hewlett Johnson, con prefazione di Gaspare Nicotri
, New York - Edizioni dell'unita del popolo,1941?
Monographic text

Johnson, Hewlett (rev.)
Il potere sovietico - compendio in lingua italiana / Hewlett Johnson ; con prefazione di Gaspare Nicotri
New York - Unità del popolo, 1945
Monographic text

Johnson, Hewlett (rev.)
The secret of soviet strength / Hewlett Johnson
New York - International publishers, c1943
Monographic text

Johnson, Hewlett (rev.)
Soviet Russia since the war / Hewlett Johnson
New York - Boni and Gaer, 1947
Monographic text

Johnson, Hunter
Piano sonata / Hunter Johnson
New York - Music press, c1948

Johnson, Janet Buttolph
3- Design / by J. B. Johnson, C. W. Bryan and F. E. Turneaure
New York - J. Wiley ; London - Chapman, c1943, stampa 1946
It's a part of > The theory and practice of modern framed structures - designed for the use of schools ... / by J. B. Johnson, C. W. Bryan and F. E. Turneaure
Monographic text

Johnson, Jean B.
The Opata - an inland tribe of Sonora / Jean B. Johnson
Albuquerque - The University of New Mexico Press, 1950
Monographic text

Johnson, John A.
Studies on the role of alpha-amylase and proteinase in breadmaking / John A. Johnson, Byron S. Miller
St. Paul - American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1949
Monographic text

Johnson, K. S.
Transmission circuits for telephonic communication - methods of analysis and design / by K. S. Johnson
New York - D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1947
Monographic text

Johnson, L. P. V.
An introduction to applied biometrics / by L.P.V. Johnson
Minneapolis - Burgess, c1950
Monographic text

Johnson, Lockrem
First sonata for violin and piano, op.14 / Lockrem Johnson
New York - American Composers Alliance, c1946

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