Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1170 of 1849       

Knight, John
The story of my psychoanalysis / John Knight
New York - Pocket books, ©1950
Monographic text

Knight, Kenneth L.
Keys to the mosquitoes of the Australasian region - including a synopsis of their distribution and breeding habits / by Kenneth L. Knight, Richard M. Bohart and George E. Bohart
Washington - Office of medical information, 1944
Monographic text

Knight, R. L.
Dictionary of genetics - including terms used in citology, animal breeding and evolution / compiled by R. L. Knight
Waltham - Chronica Botanica company, 1948
Monographic text

Knobel, E. W.
Tulsa county Oklahoma
Washington - U.S. Depart. of agric., Bureau of plant industry, 1942
Monographic text

Knopf, Alfred A.
Some random recollections - an informal talk made at the Grolier Club, New York, 21 October 1948 / by Alfred A. Knopf
New York - The typophiles, 1949
Monographic text

Knopp, Konrad
1- Problems in the elementary theory of functions / by Konrad Knopp ; translated by Lipman Bers
New York - Dover, c1948
It's a part of > Problem book in the theory of functions / by Konrad Knopp
Monographic text

Knorr, K. E.
Tin under control / by K. E. Knorr
Stanford - Food research institute, Stanford University, 1945
Monographic text

Knorr, K. E.
The under control / by K. E. Knorr
California - Food Research Institute Stanford University, ©1945
Monographic text

Knorr, K. E.
World rubber and its regulation / by K. E. Knorr
Stanford, Calif. - Stanford University Press, c1945
Monographic text

Knott, Virginia Bergstresser
Physical measurement of young children - a study of anthropometric reliabilities for children three to six years of age ...
Iowa City - University of Iowa Press, 1941
It's a part of > University of Iowa studies in child welfare
Monographic text

Knowles, Asa Smallidge
Industrial management / by Asa S. Knowles & Robert D. Thomson
New York - MacMillan, 1944
Monographic text

Knowles, Asa Smallidge
Management of manpower / by Asa S. Knowles & Robert D. Thomson
New York - Macmillan, 1943
Monographic text

Knowles, Malcolm
Informal adult education - a guide for administrators, leaders, and teachers / by Malcolm S. Knowles ; with a foreword by Harry A. Overstreet
New York - Association press, 1950
Monographic text

Knox, C. E.
Part 1- Summary of stream flow and precipitation records / C. e. Knox and R. M. Soule
, 1949
It's a part of > Hydrology of Massachusetts / Washington - U. S. Department of the Interior
Monographic text

Knox, John
Marcion and the New Testament - a study in the early history of the canon / by John Knox
Chicago - The university of Chicago press, 1942
Monographic text

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