Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1315 of 1849       

Merriam, Harold Guy
Readings for an air age - training in oral and written thought / edited by Harold G. Merriam, John E. Moore, Baxter Hathaway
New York - Mac Millan, 1943
Monographic text

Merrick Gay, Charles
Materials and methods of architectural construction / by Charles Merrick Gay and Harry Parker
New York - John Wiley & Sons ; London - Chapman & Hall, ©1943
Monographic text

Merrill, Anthony French
Our eastern playgrounds - a guide to the national and state parks and forests of our easter seabord / by Anthony F. Merrill
New York °etc. - Whittlesey house, ©1950
Monographic text

Merrill, Elmer D.
Plant life of the pacific world / Elmer D. Merrill
New York - Macmillan, 1946
Monographic text

Merrill, Francis E.
Courtship and marriage - a study in social relationships / Francis E. Merrill
New York - William Sloane, c1949
Monographic text

Merrill, Francis E.
Social problems / Francis E. Merrill with H. Warren Dunham, Arnold M. Rose, Paul W. Tappan
New York - Alfred A. Knopf, c1950
Monographic text

Merrill, Francis E.
Social problems on the home front - a study of war-time influences / Francis E. Merrill
New York ; London - Harper, 1948
Monographic text

Merrill, Gilbert R.
American cotton handbook - a practical text reference book for the entire cotton industry / Gilbert R. Merrril, Alfred R. Macormarc and Herbert R. Mauersberger
New York - Textile book publ., 1949
Monographic text

Merrill, Maud Amanda
Problems of child delinquency / Maud Amanda Merrill
Boston - Houghton Mifflin, 1947
Monographic text

Merriman, Gaylord Maish
To discover mathematics / by Gaylord M. Merriman
Monographic text

Merriman, Mansfield
Merriman's strength of materials / Mansfield Merriman ; revised by Edward K. Hankin
New York - J. Wiley, 1942
Monographic text

Merritt, H. Houston
Fundamentals of clinical neurology / by H. Houston Merritt, Fred A. Mettler and Tracy Jackson Putnam
Philadelphia - Blakiston, 1947
Monographic text

Merritt, Hiram Houston
Neurosyphilis / H. Houston Merritt, Raymond D. Adams and Harry C. Solomon
New York - Oxford University press, copyr. 1946
Monographic text

Merritt, Tillman
Sixteenth-Century polyphony - a basis for the study of counterpoint / by Arthur Tillman Merritt
Cambridge, Massachusetts - Harvad University Press, 1946, c1939
Monographic text

Mertins Thom, Emma
Bibliography of North American geology 1929-1939 - Part. 1. Bibliography / Emma Mertins Thom
Washington - United States Government printing office, 1944
Monographic text

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